
Does sending an apology letter via snail mail, speak volumes?

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Does sending a letter of apology and clarification via snail mail, speak volumes, even if its not handwritten, but typed? I did sign my signature at the bottom. I am trying to apologize to a friend who has not spoken to me for the past 3 weeks almost and I want her to know that I am sorry and apologetic. She has also not answered my phone calls or responded to emails.




  1. I think handwritten would have been more personal. But if your handwritting is not that easy to read (just saying, not saying it is) then typing is a good option

  2. thats sooo much better than trying to keep emailing or calling her.

    i would fold it and write (handwritten) "sorry this has taken so long", etc, something with your handwriting.

    snail mail is usually a very nice, widely accepted form of communication. it shows effort these days when email & im are so d**n common.

    please don't be suprised if you get no response..the good thing about letter is that people read them over and over again, gaining something new each time it is read. you may get her forgiveness after all. my ex best girl friend sent me a letter and it grew on me. eventually i did call back. if it was a guy , especially one who typically doesnt use snail mail, it would mean even more.

  3. Handwritten is much more personal but even a typed letter sent via "snail mail" speaks volumes about your feelings. It shows that you cared enough to sit down and write a letter to this person to try and clarify/apologize for the situation.

  4. Yes, it really does speak volumes.

    It has so much more meaning to it than when it's just sent as an e-mail.  If it's not too long, try hand-writing the whole thing... it's even better.

    Good luck =)... hope everything works out with your friend.

  5. Yes, a letter is a very good way of saying sorry especially if it is sent in the post as that makes it seem more personal. Howver as you typed your letter it doesn't seem as sincere, I would suggest writing a letter by hand next time and posting it =)

  6. Handwritten is a lot more personal so that is what I would do. I'd probably enclose a small gift as well and just say something like "I'm really sorry and I miss your friendship. When you're ready to talk to me again I'll be here for you."

    Typed is just too formal and impersonal.

  7. People tend to be more expressive by writing, I am sure it spoke volumes.  Good Luck!  Some people find it most difficult speaking or confronting others.

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