
Does serving in the military aid law enforcement career?

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I am interested in a career in law enforcement and am currently in college in order to assist this goal. I am also considering serving in either the Israeli or United States military after graduating if it will help me in getting a good job in law enforcement. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.




  1. Federal law allows departments to give you veteran preference points, so it will be a benefit over another candidate without military service.

    In addition, military service is favorable as it has many similarities to law enforcement such as wearing a uniform, being able to handle stress, being able to take orders from superiors, and the both have formal rank structure. This allows for an easier transition to the job.

  2. Absolutely. Good luck and thank you in advance for your service.

  3. Yes.

    I wouldn't take too long between discharge and searching for the civilian job.

    It doesn't sound like that's what you had in mind though, anyway.

    (Former USCG)

  4. Yes, I think serving in the military will be good experience for law enforcement and it's something positive to add to your resume.

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