
Does s*x heal stress?

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LIke dipression, anger.




  1. Yes it does nothing better than stress relief s*x.

  2. Definitely Yes my friend.  I'm already 58 years old man but I still look like am 40 years old.  s*x makes you younger.

  3. Its a great feeling i don't see why it wouldn't effect ones mental feelings while in the proccess of having s*x....

  4. Does a painkiller heal a serious wound?  And s*x CAN BE stress.

    Positive action takes care of anger, action at all takes care of depression.

  5. The opposite actually, when you have s*x you release endorphins which feel really great but the after effect is the feeling of being alone and depressed. This is why s*x addicts are very unhappy people. but s*x can be used to release stress

  6. relieves it.  

  7. depends who you doing it with.....with somebody bad could GIVE you stress you know so aslong as its with somebody nice  and save it could be working well on anything negative like depression and other black emotions but remember many OTHER emotions will be released aswell.In my opinion have s*x when you feel GOOD then it will be even better..........dont use s*x as some tool,it should be more like a language so use it when you can speak well

  8. Maybe not heal, but it relieves it a little!

  9. yes the release is amazing and u forget about everything else while doing so

  10. Yes it heals stress. It is a stress buster. So go for it everyday but only with the consent of your partner. Otherwise there will be more stress.
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