
Does s*x play a big part in marriage?

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Is it essential to do it regulary for a happy marriage?




  1. Yes, especially for the guys. Spreading your legs often for him will make him MUCH happier (and you too if he is any good). :)

  2. Yes, it does play a big part in marriage, specially when you are not getting much of it and you miss it

  3. I think it is but thats my personal opinion.

    There are many successful marriages where something perhaps happens to one of the partners and it isn't possible any more and you develop a new type of deeper love for each other.

  4. yes... but has i found out, the older you get ( me and wife are in our 40"s ) the less you'll have s*x, my advise is do it often, keep your marriage happy!!  

  5. yes..  its the key for happy marriage.. LOL

  6. Yes very much so.

  7. Money,





  8. yes

  9. Yes. Definitely.  

  10. When both partners are satisfied, s*x is a small part of marriage(I don't mean quantity) when one or more parties are not happy, it is the BIGGEST issue in marriage.

  11. I think it is next to communication, respect and consideration. It's healthy for couples to make love regularly.

  12. well, as long as you are sleeping with your spouse then yes!  

  13. Absolutely!

  14. Perhaps yes, perhaps not.  My sister has a sexless marriage - her husband just cannot do it... he's too fat... the only way for him to have a rise is by tying a balloon to his di-ck...  hahaha

  15. Yes it is providing you and your spouse are still fully capable of having s*x...without s*x the relationship can become boring no longer exciting or even desirable...hence opening the door for someone to start cheating...

  16. `yes

  17. s*x is a bonus in any relationship

  18. Only when you aren't getting any.

  19. Yes, as often as possible!

  20. In general, yes, that's how men feel connected and intimate.  See a woman feels close and then has s*x, while a man has s*x and then feels close.  Kind of backwards, but there you have it.

  21. Well, I have seen many marriages break up because of lack of s*x.

    Me personally, I couldn't be without s*x.  Hence why my marriage broke up, in some ways!

  22. no it does not,i know of a couple who have been married 40yrs and not had s*x for34yrs.they have 2 children, and s*x was not a high they stop having s*x.they have enough love and respect for each other.i know this to be true, as its my auntie.s*x is not every think.

  23. s*x and the overall intimacy that accompanies a healthy sexual relationship are integral to a good, solid marriage.  s*x doesn't have to happen daily, but the emotional intimacy that is spurred by s*x MUST be there all the time (or at least most of it...barring fights, etc).

  24. s*x is a big part of marriage.  It's how to feel connected and show intimacy.  Also it shows the other person you're attracted to them.  s*x is only a problem when it's not happening.

    It is essential to have s*x regularly, that frequency is up to the parties involved.  If you won't give it up, someone else take care of their needs at home, so they don't wander off.

  25. YES, absolutley.  It is essential to a good amrriage and anyone who says other wise will soon be divorced and/or cheated on.  It is the glue that holds together two people.  If you neglect it, turn the other down until they stop asking...ALL will fall to pieces and you will not realize it until all you had and all you dreamed of is gone. It is THAT important.

  26. Absolutely. It is a form of communication. The more s*x you have, the better your mood, the fewer the fights, the more s*x you have. It is a great loop.

    See how many days in a row you can have s*x and then see how many fights you have in those days.  

  27. yes its a big part of the foundations in a marraige.ok some people marry and dont want s*x and it works for them as they just want the companionship of a relationship.but very few marraiges survive without a sexlife and one of them will eventually stray.

  28. ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    s*x is the number one reason men stray, or lack thereof , which is why its so important to keep things new and exciting at any age or length into the marriage. As you get older, believe it or not, it gets way better too.

  29. s*x and procreation is naturally a part of marriage, however, when illness results in lack of desire for one partner, one would hope the bond of marriage is strong enough for the other partner to be supportive and understanding without selfishly breaking the promise of fidelity.

    Many older couples have gone without s*x for many years.  It is the love of the spouse that takes precedence when sexual apetites dwindle in the twilight of the lifespan.  Simple togetherness is happiness for them.          

  30. 48 years married. Yes it does play a big part. Each couple have their own values for this. As long as you are both happy it is ok.

    for example if Mr and Mrs Smith make love every night and Mr and Mrs Jones do it once a month if they are happy, that is all that matters.

  31. Absolutely. s*x is not only for physical pleasure only. Its two people connecting on a spiritual level as well. Its how you can feel the one you love closer.Without s*x, marriage cannot survive.

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