
Does she hate me? 10 points?

by  |  earlier

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she DIDNT block me on msn, she deleted me. she cant see my name, and cant msg me, but i can message her. she ALWAYS tells me to msg her, and when i do are convos go on for hours. my friends say shes "hiding" me cuz she has a b/f. we even picked courses together!!!! i asked her, she lies. what do i do? i at least want her in my life.




  1. why not email her, you can say alot more than when you are IMing her.If you love someone they will come back in time, let her know exactly how you feel. Maybe she is looking around before she makes a total commitment to you. Sounds like she still wants to be friends even if she has moved on. Good luck

  2. Sounds like she's cheating on her bf with you. I f she is, you don't want to be with a girl like that.

  3. idk...

  4. You're being played/

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