my friend has a problem, he does marijuana. He has a hard time with that and dealing with the fact that his girlfriend of 4 years is anorexic. He gets very angry sometimes and act out getting loud and violently aggressive at times. He cusses at his mom, he yells at his family and he gets so angry that he can't function straight at time. The blame is on the drugs. He has had a hard life because he had a hard childhood and he says he gets so depressed sometimes. But that never shows. So he acts up and has parties with drugs and booze, and he invites friends over to the house without his mom's consent, he smokes in the garage, he steals money from his family members, he lies consistently about doing so. And when he does he seems like a pathological liar. It kind of scares me cause it makes me question whether i actually know him or not. If he is the person I think he is. One time he got really violent and he pushed his mom and shoved his aunt trying to make his way to his little brother so he could harm him in some way, his brother didn't say or do anything to deserve any of this. Anyways, he ended up hurting himself really badly and having to be rushed out of the house to the hospital in an ambulance. His family tells me how scared they were and how afraid they were that he was going to hurt somebody. He even went as far as to shove his sister into the stairs so that she hit her head really hard. He never apologized for it. And he punched his little brother in the face and never apologized for that either. He stole money from me and now I can't trust him, and he gets so angry when people move their purses or hide their wallets. He acts like he is so innocent or something. He is out of their house now, he left for dallas. It was his birthday about 2 weeks ago and his sister whom he shoved was not so pleased that he was back home even though it was his birthday. She still hasn't forgiven him yet, after all he did cuss at her call her names, steal her money and shove her so she hit her head. I am asking on her behalf, does she have a right to be mad at her brother? because her mom doesn't seem to think so (her mom is in denial that her brother is sick, and she still provides for him and stuff)