
Does she like me? Is this the right thing to do?

by Guest63368  |  earlier

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So ive been after this girl for 2 months now. Weve hung out a lot and i really started to like her. We flirt and talk a lot, and when we talk we are both always smiling ear to ear and maintaining perfect eye contact. I tested her personal bubble by putting my arm around her when i was walking with her and she didnt say anything about it or stop me. She flirts back all the time but idk if she really likes me or not, ive never seen her flirt with any other guys

A few days ago i asked her to eat dinner with me on monday to celebrate my birthday and she said yes

But 2 nights ago (friday night) her friend (and one of my good friends) told me that she said i was 'coming on to strong' and it really confused me.

I decided to just not talk to her all weekend (unless she talks to me first) and see if she calls or messages me on monday about dinner

Does that sound like the right thing to do? Is this a good way to find out if she really likes me or not?




  1. It seems like she likes you.  I am a girl, and if a guy I wasn't into put his arm around me, I probably wouldn't let him keep it there.  I would trust the friend though, because girls often have their friends tell guys things that they are thinking to avoid being put in an uncomfortable situation.  

    I think it's a good idea to play it off for a while.  Since it is your birthday, I would take the initiative if you want to share it with her, because I don't think she'll go out of her way if it seems like you don't want her there.

    If you go too long without talking, honesty is the best policy.  Ask her if she thinks you are coming on too strong.  Being up front is always better than playing games!

  2. well ask around someone must know or just wait until monday keep calm and just apolygise saying you didn't know and see where she wants to take it from there ok  

  3. wow that sounds kinda tough. i think she really does like you but maybe she wants to take things slowly.

    what i advise you do do is either : go with your plan

    or call her and just talk to her about it. ask her if she thinks your moving to fast and if she wants you to give her some space. she might just be uncomfortable about what you're doing. if she says she doesn't like it, then just back off for a little while

    i hope all goes well!

    good luck =)

  4. hm mm, any idea what you could have  done or said that would've been considered "coming on too strong"?

    girls do a lot of things that confuses boys. maybe she only likes you as a friend? or maybe shes afraid of taking your relationship forward?

    the only way you can find out if she likes you is to ask her.

  5. I dont think you should take her friend word to strongly..cause there are some messed up people out there.. that just want to s***w things up.. it happened to me so i can say with experience..i think you should just talk to her.. and tell her sorry if she thought that "you were coming on to strong" LET HER KNOW that her friend told you that..if she says "yea thanks for understanding".. well thats good..but if she says "o did she say that? i didnt tell her to say that.." that means you know her friend is playing games..SO BASICALLY.. speak to her..not the friend.. dont ever trust the friend..

    EDIT: im not saying dont ever trust a friend..cause thats not right.. trust is important.. but dont overdo it.. you cant trust anyone unquestionably..u know what i mean?

  6. Actually yea thats not a bad idea.  Let her make the first move.  If she dont do anything all weekend though dont get 2 down u guys seem to have somethin good workin

  7. Don't worry what friend say ask her yourself!

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