
Does she need to go to the vet?

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My white rat has developed difficulty breathing. I just got her and one other rat from a pet store about a week ago, it comes and goes but when it sets in its pretty bad. She clicks and rasps when breathing, and once in a while she darts about and lets out a shriek, I think at those times she's unable to breathe and is clearing her airways. There isn't any Porphyrin discharge around either her eyes or her nose so I'm not sure if it's really serious. I read somewhere that some rats can develop an allergy to Care-Fresh bedding, (which is what I use), but her companion seems fine. About four days ago I used a bedding I got from a friend but I took it out as soon as I realized it was pine, (about a day later), and again her companion doesn't seem to have anything wrong with her. It's breaking my heart to see her like this.




  1. Vet ASAP.

    Could be an infection. Just get her to the vet the first chance you get. Call them tonight or tomorrow and get an appointment!


    Carefresh is probably the best bedding ever created and I doubt that your hamster was allergic to it.

  2. There are a few different things that can cause breathing difficulties in pet rats. One is an allergy- sadly, I have noticed that many pet rats are being born that just dont tollerate certain things- I have had several rats with mild allergies- they would sneeze constantly. I limited their reactions by using good quality paper based litter (non-dusty) and kept their cage, bedding and general area clean.

    Other rats can have more severe problems, including mycoplasma- a common disease among pet rats which results in raspy breathing. Sometimes you dont see the porphyrin discharge because they clean themselves soon after sneezing (I had a rat that never looked bloody- but her sleeping quarters were always covered in little splatters of blood, poor thing)

    You should take both your rats to a good small animal vet who should be able to diagnose the problem and help with a solution, which will probably be antibiotics. It is a good idea to get both rats checked up at the same time to make sure the other rat hasnt picked something up as well.

  3. You definitely need to call the vet ASAP!!!  It sounds like a respiratory infection, which is contagious, so when you bring her to the vet, you need to also bring her cagemate.  Even if she isn't showing any symptoms, she may still be sick.  

  4. call the vet asap because she can die soon

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