
Does she still visit me even though she has passed on?

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My mom, who also doubled as my best friend, passed away 3 months ago and I still don't think I have really allowed myself to mourn for her. She was the second of four daughters and they are all very close. Anyways, her sisters are always telling me how they feel her around them and dream of her often. I haven't experienced any of those. I am not suggesting that I should jump on the Ouiga board or anything like that, however, if anyone has any experience with a similiar situation, their advice would be welcomed. Thank you all for your time and be well.




  1. I do believe your mom is watching over you,but maybe she has something to tell her sisters that she got the chance to tell you before her passing. So she isn't making her self known to you. I'd also like to say I'm sorry for your loss. Keep your head up she'll contact you soon enough.        

    Blessed Be

  2. I am a BIG believer of these kinds of things. Just embrace it......but I don't mean that you should go screaming the streets.

    Actually I felt this about my grandmother who looks a lot like me and I never got to know her past the first few months of my life. But if I remember I recall her singing me a song that always pops into my head right before I sleep.

    Coincidence? I think not. I think your loved ones are still there around you just in different form.


  3. Depending on what you believe has a lot on what you feel when some one passes.  If you are open to the after life, then you will have more feelings of their presence.  If you don't believe in the after life, you won't feel much in the way of their presence.  Of course, if you do believe and have not mourned, you could be not ready for her presence to be felt.  Usually when people feel a loved ones presence or dream about them is because they have not let go themselves, and this is a way of dealing with their loved ones death.  Being close to you mother is good.  There has been nothing left unsaid.  There is no need for her to be in your life after passing.  She would want you to move on with your life and not dwell on her death.  Mourn her and move on, and remember what she would want you to do.  Be happy, grow and learn to show your love for her thru other things.  She will always be there in your heart, weather you feel her there or not.

  4. She is with me at the mo...!!

  5. Bless your heart.....when someone that close crosses over,emitting that the physical is gone is hard enough,but not as hard as not getting the same response as others .The ability to grieve or denie a grievance is actually normal...every one handles it differently.Their hearts are open to her crossing and when your ready maybe you to will realize that she's around you too!No boards!Just talk to your mom,she's listening and may be in visitation when you do.We all want our loved ones to be in peace after crossing over;but I also believe through my own experiences that they're always there when we need them or we are in danger!Let your heart be free of the pain....cry,let the tears flow;its healing and remember when your letting go....your crying for all the love and friendship she's showed you in the celebrate her spirit and soul!For you are her heritage and future.....I miss my moms physical too and she was way to young...!take care and remember you are not alone....Blessed be!

  6. To experience a loved ones presence is a remarkable and awesome experience. This is usually accomplished by allowing your heart and your mind to accept that they have passed on, yet they remain in your heart because of the love and memories you share.

    I have lost both my parents as well as several loved ones. When I need comfort, I usually take my memories and mediatate and think of the ones i loved and lost, and this will usually bring me a feeling of feeling close.

    the only way to mourn is to accept. God bless you and I hope that you realize that you have not lost your mom, but are only separated for a brief period of time. She is close to you in spirit and will always live on in your heart and your memories.

  7. I am very sorry for your loss. When a loved one passes away, we still feel them with us because we are remembering them with sadness and wanting to be with them again. I don't believe that there are spirits, but when we pass away, we are gone. That seems so final, but our loved ones still live on in our memories and our stories that we can pass down to our children.

  8. sorry but in the Bible it says that the dead know not anything, so it would have to be the devil impersonating  dead people

  9. The reason you may not have sensed that she is or has been around like your aunties is because you may not be "sensitive" to that sort of energy or understand how it works in general.

    I think it is safe to say that if your aunties are sensing her; that she is more than likely visiting you too -- you just have to have faith and open up a little bit.

    Just an FYI; it will be more of a subtle 'whisper' or maybe like the nuisance of a bug...or sometimes you might get goosebumps randomly...spirits are energy; they can make your goosbumps (I know it happens outside when you're cold aslo; but if you're nice and warm and get them it's a spirit or some other energy.)

  10. I'm sorry for you loss. She obviously meant alot to you and others close to you. If you cant feel her presance then it may not be a bad thing. Perhaps she has things she needs to say to your aunties that she doesnt need to say to you such as to take care of you. Perhaps they need more reassurance she is in a good place. Give it time. If she needs to contact you she will. I'm sure it is all good.

    She would be proud of you for thinking of her now and knows you will mourn her in your own time and perhaps then she will come to comfort you.

  11. I would hope she is in Heaven, and not hovering around earth. After such a tragic loss, of course its natural to stop once in awhile and remember her. They might even be remembering sounds and smells vividly enough to almost hear her, almost smell her there. She isnt actually there.

    The Bible tells us that when someone passes away, they go one way or the other. You might want to pray and ask God for guidance and closure on this matter.

  12. emotions and feelings can cause a whole bunch of things to continue on in our minds and bodies.

    you should remember, the heart (i.e. love and caring feelings) stores all your memories as well as your mind. its not the ghost of her, its their memories that keep her alive that way.

  13. You're not ready to experience anything yet, the pain is too real most likely,  and you're probably blocking any feelings you have as a way to protect yourself from falling apart completely.  Don't feel bad about it that will just make it worse -- you know she wouldn't want to hurt you in anyway.

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