
Does she still want me as a friend?

by Guest60027  |  earlier

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ive been her best friend since pre-k snd now im going to beta and she's going to normal high school and when i call her she's mad or not in the mood. should i insist or leave it alone?




  1. Obviously she is pissed at you for something. It could be because of your separation or something else. Ask her what is it. If she pours it all out, try to find a solution to the problem.

    Otherwise she is just not fit to be your friend. You can always find new friends in your new school & you certainly don't need a cry baby as your bestie.

    Spread your wings & mix around. Remember, as people aged, friends changes for your interest & hobbies changes thus so does the group of people you mix with. Best friends will become aquintances & new best friendships are forged when taste changes for either party.

    Best of luck & don't fret about it.

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