
Does shifting calories actually work to lose weight? (fat loss 4 idiots)?

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Does shifting calories actually work to lose weight?

Does Fat loss 4 idiots really work?

Anyone had any success with it? And if I do it combined with exercise will it work even better?




  1. Hey

    I found some great fat burning tips from the site .  There are tips form the top fitness trainers.  There are also some good downloadable free ebooks.  The truth about abs and your six pack quest are also good programs that friends of mine used.  They really give you what you need to lose the fat without losing muscle.

    Good luck, Don't give up.

  2. Yes.

  3. Hello!

    Firstly, you need to be careful with weight loss. Rapid weight loss really isn't healthy for you and if you are planning on losing weight for an event, then you need to plan in advance. Typicaly guidelines are 2 to 3 pounds weight loss a week is healthy. More than that and you do run a risk of damaging yourself.

    Losing weight is, in itself, relatively easy. You need to

    1) Consume Less Calories

    2) Burn More Calories

    What is difficult is the motivation for weight loss.

    Most people struggle to lose weight because they do not have the motivation and because they give in to all the temptation around.

    I personally have found that hypnosis is an excellent way to deal with weight loss motivation as it works with the subconscious mind and really helps you get motivated. A good hypnotist can also do things like stop you craving chocolate and sweet things and help you be more motivated with exercise and the like.

    I've also found that as the excess weight starts to drop off I am feeling much more self confident and better about myself.

    All the best to you!

  4. Hi:

    I did try it but not like Uther says,I cheated after 3 days and I guess thats why I fell off the wagon.

    Try it but combine with excerise.


  5. Diets don't work.

    Here's some ideas for simple weight loss:

    First, get smaller plates. Most dinner plates these days are huge.

    Next, plate your food as follows, 1/2 the plate vegetables, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbohydrates. Fruit on the side or for snack.

    Eat less, and more often. Instead of three big meals, three small meals with three snacks in between.

    Shop in the outer sections of the supermarket. That's where the healthy foods are. The junk is in the middle.

    Read the labels.

    Go for items with higher dietary fiber. If you eat pasta, get whole wheat pasta. It has more fiber, plus I think it tastes better.

    Fats: You need them to process vegetables, so don't cut them out. Besides they help make many things taste better. Just cut way back. Also check and make sure the are unsaturated fats. That will help your cholesterol levels. The fats you want are usually the ones that are liquid at room temperature, but completely avoid trans fats. Trans fats are near liquid, but they are saturated fats and are REALLY bad for you.

    DO NOT CUT OUT SWEETS. By trying to cut them completely, you end up binging on them, then regretting it later.

    When you eat carbs, have some protein with them. That keeps your blood sugar levels even. Even if your not diabetic, your blood sugar levels can still fluctuate and cause problems.

    Condiments such as mayonnaise and butter. Do not use the light or low-fat varieties. Just learn to use less. That way, if you go out and the light variety is not available, you're used to to it and don't go overboard.

    If you do binge, do not get discouraged and go back to old habits. Say "oh well, tomorrow's a new day," and get back on that horse.

    Walk every day, at least twenty minutes. Not a casual stroll, but a determined walk.

    Realize that this is a life change, not a diet. Diets don't work.

  6. Three steps that have really helped me are dieting, exercising, and the correct weight loss supplement for losing weight. Focus on those three things and you will lose weight considerably. I exercise 30 mins a day along with taking Proactol, a natural weight loss supplement that I saved money on at

    Good luck and stay focused = )

  7. 1. I have just finished 11 days of this diet. I lost 4,5 pounds. The diet says you'd lose 9 pounds, but I lose weight very hard. I consider it did work for me, but no miracles.

    2. This diet is not just about shifting calories. You are not supposed to eat too much, and you are not allowed bad carbs (sugar, pasta, rice, potatoes) or fatty stuff, apart from some cheese and oil in your scrambled eggs. So you would lose weight eating like this even if you don't shift calories.

    3. What is very positive about it, is that you are not hungry usually, because you have 4 fulfilling meals. You are not allowed to get full with either meal, but you eat a proper meal. You get to eat cashews, cheese, a lot of fruit, a lot of veg, etc. and you dolose weight.

    4. At the end of the 11 days you get 3 days cheat period, when you eat whatever you want (I'll have pasta today), but still, not too much.

    Overall, I consider this diet to be good if you follow it correctly, and the shifting does help I think, because metabolism gets activated by not eating carbs all the time or protein all the time. Remember, that although there is no specific limit, you should make sure your portions are not big, and that you must make sure you have planned ahead and you have done the shopping and the cooking needed, because there are specific things you must eat each day. Go for it!

    Oh, and exercise helps of course, but you must do mild exercise at first.

  8. Today there is too much information available on losing weight that has become more confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It's actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my weight loss tips.

    * Be in right frame of mind

    * Eat whole food

    * Eat fresh fruit

    * Drink enough water

    * Always chew your food

    * Take small meals

    * Include protein at meal

    * Shut off TV while eating

    * Increase your physical activity

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

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