
Does shotokan also teach weapon using techniquis?

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If not than please tell me what does it teach




  1. It depends on the teacher. But the only thing you'll probably learn with weapons in Shotokan are basic techniques and katas.

  2. Karate was originally developed as an empty-handed form of self defence, but it depends on the instructor/school whether weapons are taught.

    It is a popular story and common belief that Okinawan farming tools evolved into weapons due to restrictions placed upon the peasants that meant they could not carry arms. As a result, it is said, they were defenceless and developed a fighting system around their traditional farming implements.

    Kobudo (weapon) arts are thought by some to be the forerunner of karate, and several styles of that art include some degree of kobudo training as part of their curriculum. Similarly, it is not uncommon to see an occasional kick or other empty-hand technique in a kobudo kata. The techniques of the two arts are closely related in some styles, evidenced by the empty-hand and weapon variants of certain kata: for example, Kanku-dai and Kanku-sai, and Gojushiho and Gojushiho-no-sai, although these are examples of Kobudo Kata which have been developed from Karate Kata and are not traditional Kobudo forms.

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