
Does show choir sound like alot of workr in high school?

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Does show choir sound like alot of workr in high school?




  1. Yes, in fact, it is a lot of hard work! My daughter, who graduated High School this past June, was involved with show choir for three years.

    It is a lot of work because not only is it singing, but there is also choreography to do and the whole production aspect of it.

    Show choir season (which around her was the second half of the year) is particularly busy. There are even more rehearsals and the weekends are spent at competitions. Sometimes you leave for competition at 6 am and do not return until 1am the next morning!!!

    In all, she had an absolute blast doing it and her senior year they even traveled to Orlando, Florida to compete.

  2. oh no not at all:) its fun so enjoy it! ant the one who posted first it for urself!!! show off!!!

  3. I was in show and swing choir in high school and it was challenging but soooo much fun.  Getting the dance routines down and learning the songs took time and effort, but anything worth doing does. Still, I made so many new friends and did so many interesting things I wouldn't have had a chance to if I hadn't been in show choir. We even ended up going to state! So to answer simply, yes, it is work but it is worth it.

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