
Does signing paternity papers disqualify me from the air force?

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im in dep. im not married and i just had a child. my recruiter keeps telling me not to sign the birth certificate and wait to get married later. but does signing paternity papers pretty much do the same thing for me




  1. LISTEN TO YOUR RECRUITER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know Patricia H says she's in the Air Force, but she's not a recruiter and she is WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! Your recruiter is not trying to save the Air Force money, he is trying to save your chances of getting into the Air Force.

    According to Air Force regulation single parents, male or female, are not eligible to enter regular active duty Air Force. The only thing that is saving you is not signing the birth certificate. In states where the father's name is left blank the single father can still get in. This is becaue without your name on the birth cert, you have no legal rights on the child. I deal with this in my state. But if your name goes on that birth certificate and you are not married, YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED. Now if you get married then you can join, but now a credit check will have to be run on both you and your spouse and if it comes back that you guys have delinquent credit, you can be disqualifed from jobs that require a top-secret clearance. Now I hope he is not telling you to deny having a child, that's wrong. But don't sign the birth certificate. If you think he is not giving you the full story ask to speak to his flight chief. I'm sure Patricia H. meant well, but advice like that can keep you out of the Air Force.

    This confuses a lot of Air Force people because there are lots of single parents in the Air Force. The difference is they became single parents after they joined. If you become a single parent after you join (either through having a baby or getting divorced) the Air Force will not kick you out. They just won't let a single parent sign up as a recruit. Also the Air Force policy on this differes greatly from the other services.

  2. trh

  3. I agree on the wait to get married part (make sure the stress of being apart doesn't ruin the relationship - test it now before you ever get deployed), however - if the child is yours and you know it - sign the birth certificate.  Your recruiter is trying to save the government $250 a month in separation allowances...  If you had full (sole) custody of the child it would create some problems, but since the mother is definitely in the picture - your recruiter's behavior seems odd.  If you DO decide to marry beforehand (you're a grown man no-one can tell you what to do with your life) you will also receive BAH (housing allowance) for your wife/child while you are in Basic Training and Tech School, and the AF will move your family to your duty assignment, whereas otherwise you will have to pay for them to move.  I think your recruiter sounds a bit shady....

    A little insight from (good info on that site!!) in my link..

  4. What country are you in?  Being a parent does not disqualify you but the capacity a parent has to fulfill the role during basic training is none.

    As for signing the cert - I have never been asked to sign anything regarding my daughters birth.  There is something wrong with this picture.

  5. if your name is on the BC you are considered a single parent and this INELIGIBLE to enlist.   you need a COURT ORDER stating you have NO Custody whatseover in order to be able to enlist.  

  6. Your recruiter is correct. Just enlist as a single person and after you are in,either get married or have a non custodial parent. Keep in mind if you are single and have a dependent,you may be very limited on what jobs you can do in the military.If you care for this person,he/she will understand after you show them all the benefits being a military dependent. Good luck.

  7. I will try to help you. I have a friend who was going into the airforce. He has a kid...but not married. He went through boot camp and then after they told him that he could not be in the service because he had a kid and was not married! I hope that helps!

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