
Does sitting Indian style still exist ?

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i work at a portrait studio and we get lots of babies and kids and i ask them to sit indian style and they dont know what i am talking about, the moms are like its criss cross applesauce now, so does sitting indian style still exist?




  1. i believe the new term is legs criss-crossed.  but if someone mentions sitting indian style im all for it :-)

  2. Oh you mean criss-cross, hmmm... very rare at present times. Most adults do it. The younger generation though, i dont think so.  

  3. Well its kind-of like pretzel style or criss cross applesauce. I think they dont say indian anymore cause they dont want it to sound like racist. I would say pretzel style to them, they might understand better.

    Please answer mine:;...

  4. Yeah but real Indian style is harder. People think of it as that yoga move ha ha. Just say "criss-cross-applesauce"

  5. If you are preferring the way we (that's right) I am one of them, we would like to be called "NATIVE AMERICANS" or first "NATIONS PEOPLE" sitting Indian style (is what hollywood done to portray us)

    That is sit crossed legged, with our arms folded across up against the chest ( that is so hollywood) all you have to do is tell the kids to sit crossed legged and cross their arms in front of their chest.

    With the arms, take the right arm and folded it across the chest, now take the left arm and place it on top of the right arm about a good inch and a half to 2" away from the chest.

    And to answer your question (yes,if you want to call it that)  and remember "NATIVE AMERICANS or "FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE"

  6. Indian style is politically incorrect. It's now criss-cross applesauce.

  7. well when I was in 4th grade we changed it to "cris cross apple sauce" because the parents of my native american friend thought it was offensive.

  8. I guess criss-cross-applesauce is new. I'm only 13 and I remember being a little kid and teachers and everyone would say "indian style." But yeah, I suppose it is politically incorrect so they changed it to criss-cross. I hear that more often than I do indian style now. I'm Navajo and I don't find it offensive. =/

  9. That's politically incorrect, so criss-cross or cross-legged is what you should say now.

  10. No some kids don't know what that means nowadays. Try saying pretzel style,criss cross applesauce,sit on your pockets, sit criss cross. Something like that.

  11. i still call it that.... thats weird.... i hate society right now...

  12. I call it indian style!

    That's weird that they call it that.

  13. i still sit in indian style. it still exists

  14. yes its still in style. but there are some that dont' know what that is. its funny but there are still indians that do this and others also take care.

  15. I grew up calling it Indian style, my oldest son calls it Indian style.  My younger daughter and son call it criss cross applesauce - cause that is what they learned in preschool and think its funny.  

  16. whats indian style  

  17. nope no one can do it anymore... idk its just gone.

  18. It was fine back in our time! But now a days it politically incorrect so teachers/parents tell their kids sit criss cross like I say with my little one or criss cross apple sauce.  

  19. Yup, indian - style is considered politically incorrect now.  My son was taught criss cross applesauce at play group.

  20. Yep, it's called criss cross applesauce these days!

  21. I learned it as indian style but I suppose that's not really politically corrent... Criss cross apple sauce. That's just dumb. At least our lack of political correctness sounded decent. =P

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