
Does size matter when getting pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I have been trying to get pregnant for about 5 months now does the size of my partners p***s matter could that be a reason why im not getting pregnant is the sperm not making it there because of that?




  1. Oh my gosh, their are just some people.......

    You just told the whole world your partner has a tiny ding-a-ling haha.

  2. where didja get that idea, huh? lol. anyways, size of your partner's p***s doesn't matter in trying to get pregnant. just make sure that you and your partner are physically healthy before trying to conceive, and both are ready in all aspects of life. if you we're both stressed out.. perhaps that could be one of the reason why you cannot conceive. try to visit your doctor for more helpful advice, ok?! goodluck!

  3. No size doesn't matter, but just out of curiousity.......How small...oops, I mean big, is he?

  4. No i very much doubt it matters. but ive heard it normal for a healthy couple to take upto a year. if still having trouble see your doctor.

  5. Nope size doesn't matter.  Most of the males in my dads side of the family are smaller (people talk lol) and they all have many children.  If you find that maybe your partners p***s is smaller and you worry he might not be "finishing" close enough to the cervix try doggie style which makes even a smaller p***s get closer to the cervix.  But again no size doesn't affect anything, it only matters that they have sperm and you are ovulating.  

  6. No size does not matter ...  

  7. lolz. another stupid question. NO.

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