
Does skinny guy have more muscle than fat guy?

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fat guy doesn't look muscular, but in the fat there are actually muscles hiding there. Skinny guy who are non fat, usually looks there are muscles but there are actually not musch muscle, it looks they have muscle because they are skinny?




  1. Actually, No.  If you dont workout your muscles you are not going to have much mass and tightness in your body.  Samething with a fat guy, if he doesnt workout his bodys, its just going to be a mass of FAT around his body not muscle.  It may look like muscle when he curls his arm, or tighten or flex but if he just relaxes and loosen everything and take of his clothes you would see fat.

            You do have fat guys who do workout and do have muscles under the fat and it would be no different then a guy with less fat who workouts and has definition.  The only difference between those two guys is mass of fat and trust me it is better to be skinny and gain muscle then be fat and gain muscle, because you would have to lose that fat to gain definition on your body.  

       In your situation, you have to workout to build mass and get your muscles tighter. Yours are weak and when you start working out, your muscles will break down and when they breakdown your muscle expands.  When your body is in recovery mode, it rebuilds your muscles, just a bit bigger then it was before and this is the growth.  You workout CONSISTENTLY for at 3 months and eat alot of protein and good fats and carbs and you will gain mass.  This will get you hard gains in your muscles and you will notice a different.  REMEMBER this doesnt happen overnight, you have to be consist and if you want you can take supplements i preferred BSN No-xplode,  CellMass and there other products, you get results.  you can look at these sites down below the first they are super site and have ads and training programs, go look for yourself, also a store site.  For the cheapest price on supplements, use the 2nd site and please research your products before use are email me any questions

  2. Typically, it depends on age.  A younger person with high body fat typically has more than the average amount of muscle mass compared to someone matched for age and height.  As you get older, it's the opposite... fatter people have lower than average muscle mass.

  3. You're right a heavy guy can have muscle under the fat.  Heavy weight boxers sometimes have this body type. Weight lifters might as well.

    As for skinny folks - imagine a ballet dancer or a yogi master or someone like Bruce Lee.  With full sleeves and long pants, an observer might never guess how muscular such a person is.  But those disciplines tend not to generate body builder style physiques.

  4. yes u answered ur own question lol skinny guys look more defined even with way less muscle a 300lb guy may look fat and have a ton of in some cases the dude with the huge bellys and jiggily arms idk there its debatable lol but the guys who look kinda built but fat then def more muscle just dont look defined cuz their body fat % isnt low  

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