
Does sleeping on your stomach have any negative effects on your junk?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a dude.




  1. Yeah, depending on how your junk is laying, it could become curved.

  2. yes, it squishes your package and then it retracts to a v****a

  3. When you sleep, you have erections, the purpose of this is to stretch the muscles, allow blood flow, and to prevent atrophy. When you sleep on your stomach, there is too much pressure exerted on your equipment, and it will cause some slight problems over time, such as occasional loss of the ability to perform when needed.  

  4. No, no effects whatsoever.


  5. no... not if you are sleeping on a soft bed  a normal amount of pressure is fine bro. .. though one thing it can do is  help rashes develop   because you are presssing it against the bed and their is a pocket of warm air caused by youre body heat ..that heat will help bacteria grow and help rashes to develop Unless you move around quite a bit ..

  6. i didt know you were a dude. i thought you were a chick with "extra stuff".

    amyway it makes it shrink really tiny.

    "Pituaryious shrinky dinky"

  7. Take it from a fellow guy, that no it doesn't.

  8. no.. where u get that

  9. It doesn't have any effects at all.

    No Worries.


  10. thats the only way my boyfriend sleeps and hes 6.5 inches at 14 :]

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