
Does slow driving bother you??

by  |  earlier

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How do you feel about all of these "Gas Specialist" telling people to drive slower than they are now. Im not sure where you live but in my city we have ENOUGH mini vans and slow moving lincolns.... So my question is do you like the idea of driving slower than the speed limit just to save gas?





  2. it bugs me ! my step dad does just to annoy me

  3. i cant stand it. my brother has a V8 truck and he drives slow to but he gets the same mpg going the speed limit or a under the speed limit.

  4. god i hate that so much. it pisses me off, makeing me late for so much stuff. i have to leave early to get someplace and i end up getting there a few minutes late still. plus i am use to going 100+ all the time lol. that what street racing does. if your trying to save gas find other ways to get where you need to go other than by driving 5mph, my uncle rides his bike to work

  5. No i think it's a good idea. saves lives as well as fuel. Too many people drive too fast these days.

  6. Yes it really annoys me, however some drivers are so bad at driving im glad they go slow - they should be stopped by the police and made to resit their driving test.

    Sometimes i want to overtake them but its not always safe to do so and it makes me feel tense. I try not to let it get to me as i know i am a better driver when i am relaxed and calm, but im not perfect and do get fustrated.

  7. I think that it is too dangerous for everyone..............

  8. Not as much as people who drive like "sgibbs_20". Agressive driving and practising 'road rage' on the public roadways is just wrong. And slamming on the brakes is just plain criminal under Canadian Law.

    I can appreciate the fact that not all driver's  like to (OR CAN) travel at the posted speed limit for a variety of reasons. I consistantly drive above the speed limit only because I am more comfortable doing 70-80 mph than I am doing 60 mph. But when I come up on a slower driver I slow down and wait. Sooner or later the opportunity to pass safely will present itself and I can resume 'my' speed.

    Most cars on the road today get their best gas mileage at around 55 mph.  If another driver wants to save gas by driving slower that's fine with me. And driving in Canada I have discovered that if someone is holding up traffic that they will eventually pull over to let the other traffic pass. In the Western Provinces they usually pull over when they see you coming. No headlight flashing or tailgating required.

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