
Does smirnoff ice expire, ive had a case for 4 years and i want to drink it?

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Does smirnoff ice expire, ive had a case for 4 years and i want to drink it?




  1. wow. what is that like 6 bucks?

    don't be cheap just buy an new case haha.

  2. it's old. probably has stuff floating in it by now. that stuff is only good for like 6 months, maybe 9.

  3. it definitely does expire.  there should be a date printed on the box or bottle somewhere.  i have seen dates on bottles or boxes before. i definitely wouldn't drink it if you have had it for four years!!

  4. I am sure it doesn't last forever.

  5. drink it! I would. Expiry dates are only printed on there to stop stuff sitting on the shelf too long therefore choking the economy, you know. It'll probably taste a bit flat, but it won't do you any harm and will get you pissed. Mix it in pint glass with some stella and make a turbo shandy if the flatness bothers you.

  6. don't drink it it does expire

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