
Does smokeless tobacco also impede bone healing?

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the doc told me to quit smoking but did not say anything about snuff or chew.




  1. actually u get more nicotine with chewing, except for lung ( smoking related lung disease, lung cancer or bronchitis), the rest of the body get more damage with increase in throat , eosophageal , bladder cancer and heart diseases or stroke.

    almost like quit kinder-garden and go to college.

    doctors need to say quit tobacco.

    tobacco cause constriction of your blood vessels and the worst part is not able to get more blood to the injurie sites that need reconstruction( healing)

  2. Nicotine is what constricts the blood vessels, causing less blood to get to your bones to help them heal.

    Smokeless tobacco gives you much more nicotine than smoking.  You do the math.

  3. Tobacco is bad for you, period, whether smoked or used in another form.   It will definitely impede healing and, of course, you know what else it can do.

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