
Does smoking cigarettes mess up you chakras?

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I know smoking is bad for your health, but does it effect your energy system? If it does, which chakra does it mess up the most?

(I’m reading a book about chakras, and I’m terribly interested in them now)




  1. Smoking effects the Throat chakra and the AURA of the energy level.

    Throat chakra is known as VISUDHI Chakra in Sanskrit.

  2. Smoking is a sign of a deficiency in the heart chakra. They try to protect their already grieving heart by coating their lungs in smoke. They are literally protecting their heart. So smoking does the most damage to their heart chakra. It is a poor substitute for dealing with the problems they are having. At least I have seen this to be the case with all the people I know that smoke. I hope that helps!

    p.s. I have noticed smoker's shoulders tend to slump forward and their backs are curved, another sign they are protecting their hearts.

  3. It's really bad. Once you smoke too much, it's impossible to do the kamehameha anymore

  4. Smoking in General will kill all?

  5. Smoking in general causes insensitivity of the body and mind.

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