
Does smoking decrease your appetite?

by  |  earlier

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(I'm not taking it up.)




  1. yes it sure does.. i quite once and gained 15lbs. started up again( i know not a good thing) however i'm back down to my 110lbs. as normal.I guess alot of running would also control your weight as well but your ques. was on smoking and.. I don't recommend starting if you never have. just exercise/ no junk foods... hope this helps you.  

  2. yes it dose

  3. Yes it does, tobacco really suppresses your appetite a lot.. that is why a lot of models and actresses smoke, it keep themselves from eating as much, and well, its addicting too of course

    it is not worth it though, def dont take it up

  4. I have heard it can, but it can also up your chances of lung cancer and lung disease.  A good way to decrease your appetite without the risk of killing yourself is exercise. I'm glad to hear you are not taking smoking up.  

  5. yeah, ive heard of people that sometimes would rather smoke than eat

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