
Does smoking harm your singing voice?

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i've heard mixed opinions on this.....




  1. it ruins it yes

  2. "Harm" is a matter of opinion. It will definitely change it. Just how much is difficult to discern because age also plays a factor. But if you compare recordings of singers known to be heavy smokers from the beginnings and then much later in their careers, it is easy to hear a difference. It is my considered opinion that the change over time is far greater in the smokers.  

  3. It ruined mine. I cant get any higher notes now. I used to be a soprano and now I have a deeper scale because the higher notes just dont come out. The high notes I am talking about are even the lowest of high notes. Totally mess it up for me. It did take quite a few years so at first I never realized it until it was too late.

  4. Well the singers from the 30s, 40s and 50s sang and they all smoked, they also drank alot to calm their nerves before they got in front of an audience, all the good singers from those days smoked, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Ethel Merman, Gladys Knight, Louis Armstrong etc.etc. etc.  There isn't too many people that 'sing' like that anymore most rock and rollers, metal, etc yell and scream they don't really sing.(but they don't smoke they take drugs) So if your talking like opera or stage I doubt it. But of course nowadays they blame smoking for everything from low birth weight to atmospheric conditions.

  5. YES!!! I am a smoker and unfortunately smoking harms everything.I`ve lost both my parents at young age due to cancer from smoking.We all need to stop one day. Think about it,  where does the nicotine hit first?our mouth, our throat which contains our vocal chords.Give it up if you want to sing or live a descent thength of time.

  6. I would think so but as a smoker and never been able sing I cant say but the worst thing is miss-use of the voice - I used to be able to sing along with songs but after years of tele-sales my voice only croaks when I sing.

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