
Does smoking weed make you more antisocial? ?

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Does smoking weed make you more antisocial? ?




  1. It depends how it affects you. It might make you lively and chatty, in which case it would make you very sociable (however you'd probably be talking a load of bollocks). However, in my personal experience, getting stoned usually results in 2 or 3 people sitting silently in a room, lost in their own thoughts. It all depends really.

  2. No, only THE PERSON is antisocial. Usually, the people that DO the drugs are the antisocial ones. If you noticed, a lot of people that smoke weed, commit crimes, and rarely learn from their mistakes.

    Simply put, weed doesn't cause you to be antisocial, but rather people who smoke it are already antisocial.

  3. Yes.

    People who smoke weed are inconsiderate.

    I don't see how people can say it elevates their emotions and abilities.

    Second hand weed smells make me nauseous and depressed. It's such a horrid smell.

    Not only so. Those grasshoppers think they are happy and lucky and frequently are unaware or insensitive to any unhappiness around them.

  4. I think it has the reverse effect, it makes one quite gleeful and outgoing.

  5. It depends on the type of person you are, the type of weed, etc. Most of the time it brings shy people out of their shell and more willing to do things in public, but other times it can make you paranoid and not want to leave the house.

    As a teenager it made me more social, I got involved in community theater and hiking, all kinds of stuff that I was way too shy to do before.

    But now as an adult and mother, I like to hole up in the house, or else do it when we're on a beach or something. I can't handle shopping or anything like that when stoned.

    So it all depends on you and where you are in your life.  

  6. na it makes you more social

  7. i think it does the opposite. When you smoke weed you get lively and interact with others and other weed smokers mingle with you  

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