
Does smoking weed make you run faster?

by  |  earlier

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I'm planning to run a 5k on Monday and would smoking weed help me run faster? I've never smoked it before. I'm a 16 year old girl btw.




  1. No, it'lll make you really dizzy and you'll probbley throw up.

  2. well it can help muscles recover after working cuz it relaxes and dilates the blood arteries

    it also helps reduce swelling and pain from working out

    so yeah

    but only as a training supplement  

  3. no, it won't. think before you ask stupid questions

  4. that is the dumbest !@#$ I have ever heard.....

  5. no. smoking never helps.

  6. Not That I Know Of

  7. Sorry but no the best thing you can do is eat protein (banana and meats) and get good rest and drink pleanty of water! :)

  8. I don't think it would affect how you run.

  9. No it doesnt

    smokin weed increases heart rate and so does running so its not a good idea

  10. lol. I seriously doubt it. You'll probably get a head spin. It might make you feel ill.

  11. wow and u told  at the other girl she was dumb for spelling wrong?  thats the DUMBEST thing i ever heard.


  12. It may make you think you are. Weed can temp. quicken your thought process so...

    to you yes :D you may be running faster

    In the actual world nupe sry :(

  13. if youve never smoked before dont do it for some stupid @ss reason like that. either way you wont get high the first time you smoke

  14. Ugh. No.

  15. Yeah it will. It will make your brain run away from you as fast as possible.

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