
Does socail class matter in the way juvenules are percived and handled in our society?

by Guest58342  |  earlier

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In the US?




  1. yes, a polo-shirt wearing punk probably will recieve a less strick punishment than a raggedy looking youth because somebody wants to set an example, and the wealth of parents can detour much punishment

  2. Billy is right, why do you think lawyers tell there defendants to dress respectably and get a haircut before entering the courtroom whether they can afford to buy that suit or not. People with wealth have the ability to pull strings in high places and call in favors, where people in poverty don't. Our entire judicial system is corrupt, and was designed to favor the wealthy, that is no big secret. If you are accused of a crime whether your innocent or not, and can't afford to hire the dream team like O.J did, you can kiss your sorry butt goodbye, but if you can afford to hire the dream team, you can get away with anything, including murder. Justice is bought in this country, and the only reasoning powerful people can give the poverty stricken is that our justice system has glitches and sometimes fails. Not true, our justice system is corrupt, and was designed to help the rich get richer and prevent them from ever facing consequences for their disgusting practices. If you don't have money, you are nobody in this country. ;-)

  3. Yes!!  I think this is such a huge problem in the US.

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