
Does social welfare work and should we continue those types of programs today?

by  |  earlier

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  1. The social welfare programs run by the democrats are garbage.  They keep poor people poor.

  2. History has proved it DOESNT work,all americans want is a hand out,people need to WORK for what assistance they get,and most dont,that's what's wrong,and those that truly DO need it,dont get it at all!

  3. the babies having babies need some propping up.

  4. Think in 3rd world countries they don't have assistance.

    If we were like that then say many people would be like the 3rd world countries.

    With the job situation now and banks going bankrupt we may be headed for it not enough money to help those needing assistance.

  5. I think welfare is a good thing and does work for the most part....whats hurting it is people who take advantage of it and misuse it. I think we should keep it. If we start shutting down one social program, eventually another social program will get shut down....and so on. and that could hurt my employment options because I have a degree in a social science.

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