
Does softened water have a distinct effect on my hair?

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i have naturally curly hair. i have a water softner at home. when i shower at home my hair doesn't remain curly it remains more fluffy and soft , which is what I don't like. the past week i stayed in a house with well water and I loaved the effects of it on my hair , it brought out the naturalness and looked and felt better. what can i do to achieve the same effect well water has on my hair?




  1. If you have to use soft water then you are going to have to use some good conditioner. The reason harder water doesn't do the same thing to your hair is simply because it doesn't fully permeate your hair.

  2. Unfortunately not much. The reason your water does what it does is because of the lack of ion action that makes other waters "hard". Hard water has ions that tend to precipitate (become solid) when mixed with soap. Hence why you're softened water makes soap foam more (you use less soap) and it may feel like your skin is less tacky at the end of showering (no deposits).

    To get that effect, you need to not used softened water. Nothing else you can do.  

  3. ya unfortunatly it makes a huge diffrence

    there isnt anything at all

  4. i dont' know

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