
Does solar energy give off any greenhouse gases?Explain?

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  1. No, solar energy does not give off any gases.

    This site explains it:

    "The environmental impact is minimal, requiring no water for system cooling and generating no by-products."

    SEE ^^^^^^^^^^^ "no by products"

  2. Solar energy doesn't give off any gas. However, the polluted air ( such as carbon dioxide) from cars, factories, and else where are trapped on the surface of the earth acting like a greenhouse. And with the heat from solar energy, we, on the earth, are like living in a greenhouse. So people call it a greenhouse effect.    AND SURELY, SOLAR is a light...  It cannot give out any GAS!!!!  I hope this can help you :)

  3. Perhaps you could include that the manufacturing and transporting the solar cells will contribute greenhouse gases,but ,no, solar power does not emit any greenhouse gases.

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