
Does some of you feel like less of a woman because you cant have your own children?

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I know that some women feel that way when they cant create a child naturally themselves




  1. I am very much a woman.  I'm strong, determined, good hearted, s**y, confident, loving, and intelligent.  I'm also very business minded, however, I think with my heart instead of my head at times too.

    I get mad that people who can have children do such stupid things to their kids.  I hate it when they pop out babies like water, and don't take care of it.  I'm also mad at the doctor who screwed up and took out the wrong ovary, making it where I had to have a radical hysterectomy at 28.  However, I'm very much a woman.

    I'm also a great mom to both my oldest, who I gave birth to, and my youngest, who happens to be adopted.  I'm the most fortunate woman on earth to have these two boys.   I also have a wonderful man who treats me like a princess, and is the best dad I've ever seen (and in my family, he has pretty strong subjects for examples).  

    Any person who told me I was any less of a woman, just because I couldn't have kids is just an ignorant person with no education, among other words I wouldn't repeat here.  Yes, I so wish I could give birth to my children, but perhaps God had a greater plan to bring the ones he's helped me have in my life, and the ones I hope to have in the future.

  2. Does it make you feel like less of a man that you got  GENTLE WARTS?;...

  3. does it make you feel like more of a man to mock the middle name of senator obama?

  4. Does anyone else think that if "Dave" was ever left alone with a woman, he wouldn't know what to do with her?

  5. Besides being an incredibly boorish question it also shows a complete lack of knowledge on human reproduction.  Especially considering reproductive issues are usually shared equally between the husband and the wife.  To assume the issues are strictly related to the woman and not the man in the relationship expose your level of ignorance.  Furthermore, to ask such a question, of either gender, only shows your level of insensitivity and immaturity.

  6. Only until you are up for 24 hours the first time they are sick.  Then you feel like every other tired mom.  But honestly I think we all do that can't have our own.  I miss that bonding time when I dreamed of nursing my baby.  I missed having control over everything that was put into my body preventing birth things like FAS.  So I think every A mom feels that to some extent.

  7. lol, Kazy.  I think Dave IS a woman--and doesn't feel much like a woman.

  8. It would be "Do some of you fell like less of a woman because you can't have your own children."

    Do you feel like less of an adult because you have poor grammar skills, or is it the insensitivity that bothers you?

    When I had fertility problems, I wouldn't say I felt "less of a woman," but I felt broken and defective.

    Lots of woman choose not to have children and that doesn't make them less of a woman.

    Why do you assume women are here can't have their own children?  Many fertile women adopt as well.

  9. Naw, my hubby is the one shootin' blanks.

  10. What an insentive question!

    Just because I was born not being able to have children doesn't mean I'm any less of a woman and nor do I think so.

    Your a jerk. A big insensitive jerk. Get out of this section.

  11. what an a$s

  12. I have my own children, but for a women not able to make a baby with someone that she love - will be difficult and emotional for her along the way in her relashionship, but that does not make you less of a women!

    I know moms that had adopted children, or had  someoneone else carry the baby for 9 months. It makes you more of a women going through these kinda problems and not stoping you having a child...

  13. only a man would ask something so stupid

  14. it doesnt make you a less of a woman if you cant have kids yourself god created certain women so that they have to work harder to get the children that they want and it makes those women appreciate those miracles of life when they get them however they get them even more so than if they could have them on their own

  15. Just for the record,  infertility is not the only reason for families to choose adoption.

    AND for the record, WHAT does "creating children naturally" have to do with "feeling like a woman"?

    PS, it is not hard to figure out who you really are.........another of your multiple "angrate" personalities.

  16. Actually, many women I have met or encountered have "felt" at one time or another that they are less worthy of being a "wife" than more so a woman.  Many "use" adoption because they think it will keep their husbands and/or family together. Its sad but its reality.

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