
Does someone have to be Home in order for me to be homeschooled?

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I want to be home schooled next year and i live in Pennsylvania. My mom goes to work during the day and my dad sleeps during the day because he works 3rd shift. can i still be home schooled even though no one is "home" with me? Could someone give me some web sites that i could use? Also does my mom or dad have to teach me? Thanks. :)




  1. I went to home school for 11 & 12 grade I studies ON my own! Plus i am married... I did the work on my own The company doesnt pressure you about anything I graduated on the May 14th and I already have my Diploma on top of my TV in a picture Frame I WAS so proud of myself Cause i didnt need anyone to sit there and teach me how to do it or to even push me do it! I finished it in a yr and a few months

    I went to James Madison High School Now known as Ahsworth University but you will need your parents to Enroll and information from your last school.

  2. Yes, well at least I stayed home while my mom worked. I'm homeschooled...But I graduate this year!! :-) I use Penn Foster High School and really like it! Its a great online prgram!

  3. The laws concerning this differ from state to state.  How old are you? Your age would determine if you could be home alone and how long.  Every thing is regulated by the state. There are different 'thoughts' about homeschooling and there has been considerable practice of 'unschooling' where the child directs and controls their own academic  choices of study. Mom's and Dad's would be directing the course and achievement, but not teaching in the traditional sense. One  parent will have to have a degree in order to direct  high school courses.  Everything is registered somewhere and state testing for proficiency is required.   Go to the state web pages, under education, you will find more answers.

  4. I am a great advocate of home schooling, but i wonder if you have considered how isolated you will be.  With both parents working, your interaction with your family would not be sufficient to make up for the loss of school chums.  Peers are important in the learning process, and friends and  recreation are as important to your development as what you can learn from books.

    Please consider what you want from the educational process.  If public schools do not meet your needs, you might consider a parochial school.

  5. I don't know what the regulations are in Pennsylvania, but there is a concept called unschooling you may want to look into.

    Also, one of the benefits that many homeschooling families find is that it takes a lot less time to cover the same material compared to government schools. Some reasons for this should be obvious. You don't have to waste time with other people's behavior problems or slow learning, you don't have to needlessly repeat things because your curriculum can be more individually tailored, your parents or tutors are more likely to be able to give you one-on-one time and know exactly where you are coming from in all of your needs, and besides, mass schooling is just a huge logistical problem.

    You might be able to expect to cover practically the same material your government schooled peers do in just one day of contact a week.

    I've also recently seen a question posted, with answers, about high schools you can do online.

    Again, your state may require a standard or approved curriculum, you should find out. But I predict that you will benefit from a great deal more free time in which to pursue your own interests or earn a little pocket money.

    Good luck with it.

  6. i would think not,

    but reading from everyones responds it seems you have a check with your state.

    which is werid homeschooling is done at home, i don't see why you would need someone there, maybe if you had a question or needed help. You just need to have concertration, cause distractions will come up, but i mean its just like that in high school how many cell phones do you see eveythday or an ipod!?!

    i was homeschooled and my mom was in and out all day long.

    you mom or dad could teach you but there are so many curriuclums out that are helpful to students. There are computer software that teach you and explain things and then there are also dvd teaching. and if your old enough or depending on what grade your in right now, you might consider taking college courses for dual credit.

    good luck.

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