
Does someone know where I can find a list of average car insurance rates by vehicle?

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We have a 16 yr old daughter whos looking for her first car. We wanted to find a list (if one exists) of average insurance rates to see which cars cost the least to insure. This way she'll know which cars she can afford. Thank You.




  1. Welcome to the club.  We have tried a few and changed to one that saved us over $1500.00 per year.  We tried all the others and got so many quotas it made our head spin.  So for the last 5 years we have been with AARP Hartford Ins.  We have two boys on the policy, one 21 and the other is 17 with three cars.  The type of car has very little to do with insurance rates.  It is mostly figured on the people driving.  A good example of this is to indicate that if you rent a vehicle and you contact your insurance company they will tell you not to buy the extra insurance because you "YOU" are insured and therefore what ever your policy is will cover you in the rental.  Our policy for 3 cars and 4 drivers; Mon, dad, boy 21 and boy 17 with AARP in the State of Texas is just under $1500.00 a year.  Progressive wanted over $1500.00 a year to one boy.  With AARP you'll have to become a member and the fee there is $12.00 -- well spent money..

    I've bookmarked this site to go back to...

    All the best to you.

  2. For car insurance the quick way to get a good quote is do a rate comparison on auto policies. Make sure that you compare similar options with the same limits, auto model, zip code, etc so that all things are a good comparison.

    What I most often recommend is an internet comparison quote at since they have top name insurers and can give several quotes on auto insurance polices.

  3. here are some sites that I found:

    as you can see, even these sites have different answers.  its because different companies base their rates off of different qualities.  you could probably call your insurance agent and ask what cars they would suggest for cheaper insurance.  generally, and older 4 door car would be cheaper.

    good luck, and good for her for doing research before buying something 'cool'

  4. The smaller the engine size, the less it'll cost to insure and to run. Go by that. Also try just fill the form and they'll come up with a quote, if you want you can also back up, change car and get another quote.

  5. get a free online insurance quote from auto insurance pros. after filling in the type of vehicle and other info they will match you up with different insurance companies.

  6. I hope my suggestion might be helpful,though you need to make the judgement yourself.I have tried this good resource.

  7. There might be a list but I am not sure.  It's pretty hard to give an accurate dollar amount without knowing a bit more about you and your daughter.  A major factor is where you live.  Insurance rates can vary drastically from state to state or even from zip code to zip code.  

    The best kind of car to insure a teen driver on is something that is 5-7 years old with good safety features.  I always recommend something like a Honda Civic because they are great cars, get good gas mileage, are reliable, and affordable to insure.  Also, make sure you ask your insurance company about the good student discount if your daughter has a B average or better.

    I would compare quotes from a few insurance companies as well.  Just because your current insurance company might offer good rates for you doesn't mean they will for your daughter. Some companies actually specialize in insuring teen drivers. It can't hurt to shop around online just to make sure you are getting the cheapest rate possible.  The site below is really helpful because it allows you to compare quotes for all of the insurance companies in your area for free.

    Good Luck!

  8. hey, i usually visit this site. it's all about car insurance. try:

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