
Does someone knows a web page where there is something about obtaining supernatural powers? please answer =)?

by Guest31873  |  earlier

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I know they exist, so please don't answer that I'm on crack or that I'm a freak, if your are not interested in this things, then don't answer and don't make a fool out of yourself. Thank you.




  1. Supernatural as in voodoo type of thing? I live in Southern Louisiana and though I can not put into words how strongly I feel voodoo is evil but there a famous voodoo priestess' grave in New Orleans. I think the grave is in the famous Lafayette Cemetery. Supposedly you go to her grave and make an offering by leaving a gift of some sort.

    I personally do not believe any human can have supernatural powers but if you are speaking about black magic and voodoo, I believe it would come straight from the devil himself.

    And when you ask someone for information, you should not act so young and immature. If you would like me to get the voodoo priestess name so you can look it up, just ask. I messed around with this voodoo chit when I was about 14 or 15 and I strongly do not recommand it.

  2. is one website with a lot of information about telekinesis...and also information about other psychic abilties...and you could also chat with other people, who probably know a lot more about psionics than you do, about psychic topics...

  3. From my experience, (~2 decades) you can waste many hours scanning thru abundant literature on the paranormal in quest of special powers. You will find eventually that modern psychological research has worked out the how-tos for most of the ancient skills like clairvoyance and astral projection (remote viewing), moving an untouched object (PK- psychokinesis) and installing a demon in high office (VP Cheney).

    Much of the ancient talents were just displaced by modern technology (TV, radio, cell phones), but there is still opportunity for reliable fortune telling, manipulating games of chance, the kind of precognition that allows you to avoid bad parties and situations..

    Dig around the web and medical libraries at your local U. Seek out the very subjects they find questionable, and why. The principle here is that there is much to be discovered in what is *missing*, rather than in what is set forth as factual.

  4. Please don't dabble into anything like that. It is occultic and therefore quite dangerous.

  5. Everyone has "gifts" to some greater or lessor extent. If you don't know the word for what you want to do. Just add to your comment what it is you would like to do and I'll try to remember to check back.

    There are so many different things you can become involved with that it is difficult to say. I belong to several different groups  and none of them are beginner level after several years of study and practice so I don't know what to recommend right off.

    Did you ever wonder why there are so many naysayers hanging around? They're trolls, psychic vampires trying to get fed by denying the very existence of the thing they are using to make themselves feel good.

  6. Hmm. Which reminds me:

    Who is the bigger fool?

    The Fool or the Fool who follows him?

  7. Unless you can transport yourself to cartoon land you're out of luck kiddo.

    "I know they exist"

    Oh, really?  How do you know this?  You clearly don't know what the word means.

    "then don't answer and don't make a fool out of yourself."

    There's only one fool here and it isn't me.

  8. Yeah, here is a page

    How do you know they exist? Nobody has ever been able to demonstrate them, except for magic tricks. Illusionists will tell you that they are just performing a trick, charlatans will no subject their trick to critical observation and a controlled environment. In the history of man, nobody has been able to demonstrate superpowers.

  9. Sure, there's plenty of them out there.  But they don't work.  You simply can't learn to break the laws of physics.  

    Have fun looking around, but don't give anyone money to 'teach' you how to get supernatural powers.  First ask them why they can't just get a million bucks from this guy.

    Hun, you can thumbs me down all you like, but it's not going to change the nature of reality.  I'm sorry you thought it might.

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