
Does someone mind answering a few questions about getting my nose pierced?

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I really want to get my nose pierced for my 18th birthday. The problem is I'm really scared of needles. I know if I want this procedure done then I have to overcome my fear, so I finally got my ears pierced yesterday (yeah I waited a long time). Since that didn't hurt at all, I can't imagine a nose piercing being any worse than that.

If someone could, would you mind telling me how much it hurts to get a nose stud? Also, if you get a stud in your nose when you get it pierced, can you also wear small hoops in it when it heals, or is that a completely different kind of piercing? And how long does it take for the piercing to heal?




  1. I didnt use a needle i got a shoot in and it went great, it was a sudden prick, your eyes run a little water and after that the pain stops... so if u are scared of needles use the gun. Your nose take approximately 5 weeks to heal and u can use the small hoops until it heals but dont touch it all the time or take it out during the process of healin (but it has so clean to minimize removal). Hot salt water will use great to clean. While healin your nose will swell (every where a person pierce swells, dont be alarm) it wont swell big though, so wear studs that have a good length so the back dont be tight or nose ring sink (if its a stud with back u are using). Im 15 and got mine pierce it looks great and everything is goin gud....

      Good Luck!!!

  2. Aw, I got my nose done on my 18th bday too!

    A nose piercing feels different then an ear piercing. First of all, when you get there you might be a bit put off by the needle, bc they do not use a needle gun like they do for ears. They just use a needle and put it right through your nose.

    Its not "painful" persay, it just feels like pressure on your nose for like 20 seconds and then it stops hurting. I really thought ears hurt more.

    You can start wearing hoops after it heals, but you can also  just get the hoop when you go get it done. To change the hoop or stud you have to wait about a month for it to heal.

    A nose piercing is one that if you take the stud/hoop out, it will close up within minutes, so if you have a job or anything like that that wont allow it, you also need to buy a retainer for it.

    Hope this helped!

  3. I got mine done when I was 16 and now I have both sides of my nose pierced i love them =).

    Step by Step here is the process.

    1. Sanitize the area with rubbing alcohol

    2. Piercer will mark the spot and you agree or say a little higher/lower, etc.

    3.Piercer will get a needle that screws onto the end of the nose stud.

    4. Piercer will have you count to 3 and since I was scared she told me to close my eyes.

    5. You're done! Piercer will then clean the area and give you proper cleaning care instructions.

    It felt like a pinch and then my eyes watered after the needle went through which she said was common. I noticed my nose bled quite a bit I first got my left side done but it was all worth it and wasnt too unbearable or I wouldnt have got the right side pierced as well!

    It heals usually within a month and you can change the stud to a hoop after the healing period. I remember when I wore a hoop though it hurt pretty bad to get it in the first time but after that it was easy. I love mine! Good luck=)

    =) good luck

  4. Hiya, Iv had my nose done for about 4 years now. I didnt get it done in a shop though i did it myself with an earring, it hurt a little bit and made my eyes water. It healed straight away and didnt hurt afterwards. I think if you got it froze before they did it it wouldnt hurt. And yer you would be able 2 put a ring init, i just put studs in mine and i loose them all the time, i must of bought hundreds lol. Good Luck with it if you get it done!! x x

  5. My best friend had her nose pierced a few years ago and she said it did hurt more than getting her ear pierced but the pain wasn't hard to handle and it went away pretty fast.

    When you first get it pierced you need to wear the earring that they pierce in their(most likely a stud) for generally two weeks then you can switch out.  

  6. i thought my nose piercing was more painful than my ears.. but only for a few seconds. of course, its kinda like getting hit in the nose... meaning your eyes will water and you get that kinda stinging feeling. and mine did bleed a lot more than any of my other piercings but they say that is normal. just remember... it doesnt take long for the hole to close so you have to keep something in it at ALL times. i made the mistake of taking mine out for a job interview and had to get it done all over again.  

  7. i have had mine done for about a year now and i am the same way about needles, i am scared to death of them.  it hurts a little more then your ears but if you have a high pain tolerance then you should be fine. i think it felt like when you get a zit on the side of your nose, you know...the ones that make your eyes water? anyways you can wear hoops you might even ask if they can put one in when they pierce it...i'm not sure i always just wear studs......mine took longer then i thought it would to heal and somtimes it still gets irritated when i change my stud. it depends on the person i have read many many things on it some people it only takes a couple weeks or months some it takes 6 months to a year. if it does get infected or irratated get you some sea salt(you can buy it from any grocery store) and put some in some hot water and dip a cotton ball in a put in on the piercing for a while do it a couple times a day and it should heal it up. ;0 also it does close back very fast so do not leave it out for a while...i was changing mine for the 1st time and it closed back and had to re-pierce it myself and it hurt like h**l. lol so be really careful........anyways i hope i gave you enough info and good luck when you go get it done:)

  8. Pain factor is generally up to the person, some people feel almost no pain whereas other people may feel a lot. if your ears did not hurt at all, i cant imagine that you have a very high pain factor, although your nostril may be slightly sore afterwards.

    Yes, you can wear a hoop in your nose, when it heals.

    The healing process usually takes 8-10 weeks to heal, you should NOT take out your piercing before this.


    You should be getting it pierced with a needle and not a gun, why?

    The needle allows exact placement, and minimal pain

    Make sure the stud you put in is Hypo-allergenic, meaning that it should have no adverse affects on the body, so the only metals you should use are Niobium, Titanium, 18ct White & Yellow Gold, Platinum, or Palladium. Silver should never be worn in the nose during healing, because it oxidises inside the wound, and can cause allergic reactions, lumps, and can leave a permanent black mark on your nose.


    DO clean the piercing every day in the shower, soak a cotton wool ball or tissue in Saline Solution (available at any chemist) or 1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt or table salt dissolved in a 1/4 glass of warm water. Place the wet cotton wool ball or tissue on the piercing and soak for 3-4 minutes until any crusting is removed, be careful not to pull the stud out!

    DO remove any crusting from the inside of the stud/ring by cleaning it with a cotton-wool bud soaked in salt water. Be gentle, don't rub it roughly as you may cause the stud to come out. Any crusting must be removed from a ring before you turn it or you can damage and inflame the piercing.

    DO dry the piercing afterwards carefully by "patting" not rubbing the piercing dry with a clean tissue, piece of paper towel or toilet paper. Don't rub your face dry with a towel as they harbour bacteria and can pull the stud out.

    DO use Lavender oil as it promotes healing and lubricates the wound reducing tenderness. Apply a small amount with a cotton-wool bud after cleaning then move the jewellery so it gets into the wound, if you have a ring rotate it gently. Remove any excess with a tissue as leaving it on can cause the skin to become irritated. It may be purchased at supermarkets (medicine section) or at chemists and must be marked (BP) or medicinal grade.

    DO remove it at night so you don't lose the stud, but not till it's healed fully.

    DO use B-vitamins with a Zinc supplement as this promotes healing.

    DON'T pick at or pull at the scab as this can cause lumps to form, and cause infections.

    DON'T remove the jewellery in the piercing till it's healed, pulling it in and out can delay healing and cause infections and lumps.

    DON'T replace the jewellery with a sleeper during the healing phase, as they have tiny hinges which tear the inside of the wound and cause inflammation and lumps. Silver sleepers are especially dangerous as they oxidise in the wound which causes "Argyria" a permanent black mark in your nose, they can also cause to allergic reactions.

    DON'T remove the jewellery from the piercing for more than 1 day for the first 6 months, or it will close up.

    DON'T get make-up, cleansers, sun tan lotions etc. directly on the piercing, when using hairspray cover the piercing with your hand.

    DON'T use alcohol, Tea Tree Oil, metholated spirits, or betadine to clean the piercing as they are all harmful to the delicate tissues forming the scar, and can cause lumps to form.

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