
Does someone who has twins, triplets. etc have 2 placentas and 2 embilical cords?

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Does someone who has twins, triplets. etc have 2 placentas and 2 embilical cords?




  1. Ferternal twins come from seperate eggs so yes they have different placentas and embilical cords ... but identical twins and triplets all morph from the same egg so they are all in the same placenta but have seperate embilical cords.

  2. Every baby has a umbilical cord! Thats why we have a belly button!

    If they are identical, they share the placenta.

    If they are fraternal, they have their own.

  3. Each and every baby will have their own umbilical cord.

    Identical twins almost always share the same placenta but may also have two separate placentas. Depending on when the egg splits usually determines if identical twins will share the same placenta, and/or chorions and amnions.  I had identical twins that had separate chorions and amnions but one placenta.

    Fraternal twins always have separate placentas, but their placentas may fuse together during the course of pregnancy and appear as one at birth. Fraternal twins will never share the same amnion and chorion.

  4. depends!! if they are identical they will have 1 placenta and 2 umbilical cords!  if they are fraternal they will have 2 placentas and 2 umblilical cords!

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