
Does someone who is bisexual have a need to have BOTH?

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Does a bisexual person need to have s*x with both genders in order to be fulfilled?

I ask because I think that I am bi and I am not happy with just a male or female alone. One just feels incomplete to me. Is this common ? Sometimes I feel like a freak because I feel this need.




  1. not me personally.  

  2. That's *not* bisexuality, that's bisexual polyamory!

    Edit: There's nothing wrong with bisexual polyamory, unless you're claiming you somehow have a need for it because you're bisexual.

  3. I think it is the case for many bisexual people, yes.


  4. I think that it would be extremely rare to find a person who is truly completely equally attracted to both sexes... I would think that there must be a LITTLE bit of preference for one over the other... even still... eventually we all have to suffer monogamy in exchange for a deeper love to grow and flourish. I see "hot" all the time... all around me... but when I stack it up what I got at home it's just not worth it...

  5. Em im not too sure cos im a L*****n..

    but if u fall in love u should be happy with watever one u fall in love with :D

  6. I know what you mean, but I don't think everyone bisexual has the need for both.  I do.

    I'm lucky to have a husband who pretty well understand me and he tries his best, but there are times that I just crave a woman's touch and he just can't duplicate it, and right now I'm just having to make do.

    We've been sorta looking for a "third", but realistically our children need to be older to not be confused or frightened, and also not to tell the whole neighborhood that Mommy and Daddy have a 'special friend' that stays the night from time to time.

    That and getting out of the buπhole of the Bible Belt wouldn't hurt any either.

    (And so what if it is bisexual polyamory?)

  7. i think i may be bi.found out my girl is really a dude,but i love her so i guess maybe i have the best of both worlds?

  8. Being bi doesn't necessarily mean that you need both, but if you feel that you need a girl and a guy then you should just try to find someone who also enjoys what you enjoy.  

  9. I like women but I don't eliminate the possibility of being with a man, although for now, it seems quite unlikely.

  10. You are definitley not a freak, I am married and I am Bi and there are times that I wish I could be with a woman also. I am happy Yes but sometimes unfufilled. But I supose it comes with the choices we make and we have to live with it.

  11. You aren't a freak. I think that if it makes you happy, do it. Maybe you do need a little extra to be happy. There's nothing wrong with that. I personally like to call myself heteroflexible because I prefer men a little more than women. But for sure, you aren't a freak and you should just do what makes you happy.

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