
Does sony plain to release an HD DVD compatible Blu-Ray player?

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My father told me that his brother (who works a bust buy) said that Sony was releasing a video player that can play both, Blu-Ray and HD DVDs. Who knows where my uncle herd it from so I was wondering if there was any truth to this.




  1. OMG you can't even spell right, what's up with that?

    I don't think what your brother told you is true.

  2. I would have to say no. Sony invented Blu-Ray so there would be no point to them investing any time and money into a format that they are competing with.

  3. I suspect he said Sony, but meant Samsung (who have a dual format player and have just announced a 2nd generation model).  

    Sony is opposed to all things HD DVD ... I can't imagine them selling a dual format player.

  4. It would be pointless now. Last week Warner Bros. announced that they would be supporting Bluray only. This week the two remaining HD-DVD exclusive studios both said they are switching to Bluray. HD-DVD is certain to fail now.

    I have heard nothing about a Sony dual player any way, but Samsung has one they are getting ready to release. I wonder if they'll scrap the idea now?

    Bluray all the way. The clear winner.

  5. Here's a link to that $600, second-gen, Samsung Dual-Format HD-Disc player:

    And everyone's telling you right.  Sony has no current plans for an HD-DVD player.  The format war is over. Blu-ray won.

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