
Does soy milk contain high amounts of zinc?

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a friend told me it does. I want to know if drinking it will improve the condition of my skin.

But somewhere else I read that it is bad and it BLOCKS the absorption of zinc and other vital minerals and vitamins.




  1. From:

    "Micronutrients in Soyfoods

    Calcium: Many soyfoods are good sources of calcium. One half cup of cooked soybeans provides 88 mg of calcium. Processing affects the calcium content of soyfoods considerably. Many brands of tofu are made using calcium sulfate as a coagulant (sometimes referred to as "calcium-set" tofu) and can contain between 120 and 750 mg of calcium per 1/2 cup serving. Soymilk contains about 93 mg of calcium per one cup serving. However, a growing number of calcium-fortified soymilks are available; these often contain between 200 and 300 mg of calcium per serving. Although soyfoods are high in both oxalates and phytate, two compounds that inhibit calcium absorption, the calcium from soyfoods is very well absorbed and has a fractional absorption rate equal to that of milk.

    Iron: A 1/2 cup serving of cooked soybeans provides four mg of iron. However, both phytate and soy protein reduce iron absorption so that the iron in soyfoods is generally poorly absorbed. Vitamin C can increase the amount of iron absorbed from soyfoods considerably, although absorption rates are still low. Iron may be better absorbed from fermented soyfoods like tempeh and miso.

    Other nutrients: Soyfoods are high in zinc; 1/2 cup of cooked soybeans contains one mg of zinc. However, zinc is poorly absorbed from soyfoods. Soyfoods are also rich in copper and magnesium. Like many whole plant foods, soyfoods are also rich in B-vitamins, particularly niacin, pyridoxine and folacin."

    But here are other sites to look at:

  2. They have only about 4% - 8% of the RDV in 8oz, so you wouldn't be able to consider that high. Now if you drank 8 gallons a day.....

    About it stopping the absorption, not all the way true. The more water or juice or soymilk or any liquid you drink, vitamins and minerals are flushed out of your body before it can all be absorbed.

  3. Not high amounts, but it is a source; about 10% RDA.

    As for the other question, idk.

  4. Drinking soya milk will improve the condition of your skin if you are not allergic/intolerant to soya, especially if it's fortified with vitamin B2 (Riboflavin). (B2 and B12 are different).

    Soy contains phytic acid, which binds (attaches) itself to minerals such as calcium and zinc. However, it only reduces absorption by a *small* amount, it won't have a significant effect on your health. Soya can be a very healthy part of a balanced diet. Don't be put off- it's very healthy. Soya will not have a detrimental effect on the uptake of nutrients.

    Soya milk is a poor source of zinc, but, unusually, tofu contains quite a lot. Nuts and seeds, especially pumpkin seeds, are great for zinc. Wholemeal bread, cereals and wholegrains are good for zinc too. A good reason to eat your breakfast cereal!

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