
Does space ever end...if you keep going forever doesnt it have to end somewhere?

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Does space ever end...if you keep going forever doesnt it have to end somewhere?





    SPACE ?

  2. One thing the Human brain can never comprehend is the meaning of Infinity. No matter how hard it is tried it is not possible which leads to more questioning. As Humans we are taught at an early age that there is a beginning and end to everything which is not always the case.

  3. in a literal manner, we can't go fast enough to get to a so called end.  there has been talk about where the end of the universe is and all we can tell based on the big bang theory and other theories of how space formed is that it is constantly expanding.  i read a book, A Short History Of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, that talked about two scientists that where looking for distant galaxies and continued to have problems with interference.  The interference as they found later on was microwaves that could only be explained as being left over radiation from the big bang, thus coming from the edge of the universe.  one problem is however that the universe can be comparedto earth.  we used to think the earth was flat and to any human being unaware that it was round who travelled along the earth expecting to reach the edge of it found they never could because they were going in a circle.  the same can be seen in the universe, as you travel straight expecting to get to the edge you will continue in a circle and actually end up in the same spot you started due to the scale of the universe

  4. It depends on what you believe.  The concensus of most scientists today is that the universe absolutely does have an end.  And what lies beyond that? who knows?  Quite often scientists discover new particles or laws of physics that completely changes our ideas of what exactly the universe it stands right now scientists believe we are made of matter, however, they have no way to prove that "matter" even is very complicated, but very interesting if you like to ponder those sort of things....... my favorite theories are explained in these bbc shows that can be found on Youtube

    Most of the Universe is Missing

    Parallel Universes

    Your question is not a simple one, and for most is just a matter of what they choose to believe, so learning about the subject is the best way to find your answer!!

  5. You'll hear all sorts of "answers" but the only true one is that no one actually knows. There's soooo much we don't know all we have is speculation. That's why scientists are so curious about dimensions, they think they play a part...if you keep going you'll be sent right back to the beginning...that's the thought.

  6. No, space doesn't go on forever.  The universe is a finite unbounded area, which means if you travel in a straight line far enough, you will end up where you started.

    Addendum: that guy - Aye, the cosmic microwave background radiation is a remnant of the Big Bang, but the universe is unbounded, so there are no edges for it to come from.  Rather, the background radiation merely fills the entire volume of the universe.

  7. There are a quite a few theories about what the universe is like, but only two are still hotly debated. Both originate via the Big Bang, but they differ in that one is that the universe is finite (a certain size) and one is infinite (no limit, it goes on forever).

    Contrary to common sense however if the universe is finite there is no edge. Lets say I take off in my space ship going straight up from the North Pole going faster than light (theoretically impossible, but this is for the sake of the example). Sooner or later I will return to Earth at the South Pole if I head in a perfectly straight line for the entire journey. There is no edge, the universe just wraps around itself... just like old video games where you fly off the top of a map only to return at the bottom.

    The other theory is that the universe has no limit and there are infinite galaxies and stars out there. Contrary to popular belief the Big Bang did not start at a single point. The Big Bang theory states that the universe was impossibly dense (infinitely dense maybe) at the beginning of time. In fact, despite an infinite universe being very hard to comprehend it is the most likely to be true I here.

    This article says that if the universe were finite and than radiation would be wrapping around the universe like I said before. This would cause observable patterns in the radiation background "noise" of the universe. However, these patterns have not been found leading many to believe the universe is indeed infinite.

    I am no expert on this matter as I have no PhD in cosmological physics, but I have been searching for information on this very topic for quite awhile now and this seems to be these seam to be the most valid theories.

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