
Does space go on forever?

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I reckon we all know the answer to this one. What's yours?




  1. yes

  2. how can anyone know?

  3. yes space is infinite  

  4. since you don't know when time and space started you don't know if it goes on forever.

    Also, the universe is still expanding.

  5. yes it does you can fly forever and newe stop  

  6. I asked my brother the same question when I was a small child.  He replied, Yes.  If it ended what would be on the other side.

  7. In fact, it does. Space is everything that exists, infinity and beyond. Space is an endless gap, for if space had limits, the universe wouldn't keep expanding.

  8. Practically speaking - Yes - We'll never get to or see the end of it.

    Does it really - no.

    However, as the universe seems to be expanding at an ACCELERATING rate, due to the mysterious force called 'Dark Energy'; it is for all intents and purposes becoming increasingly large - and will do so 'forever' .

    Forever is an unimaginable concept though.


  9. Oh my what a lot of none-answers.

    Your own speculation is as good as anyones.

    Think of the entire universe as a Balloon you just inflated slowly, keep inflating it and see what happens.

    It is mostly believed that the universe is something like that and it is currently expanding and increasing that expansion.

    It stands to reason as we understand physics that eventually either one of two things will happen.

    1. The bubble bursts and you get another big bang.

    2. The bubble stops and then begins to deflate (so to speak) Although I personally do not subscribe to this option as time would also seem to have to reverse as well.

    So option 1. is my personal best guess, but like I said, your guess is a good as anyone elses.

    What does seem to be known about the universe is that there is much, much, more matter than can be accounted for from observations.

    This they call "Dark Matter" or "Space Gravity" that which can not be seen seems to account for a large majority of the Matter that is making up our universe.

    So, "Does Space go on forever?"

    As far as we are concerned with our own point of reference, is, YES.

    But there is an END to it somewhere, sometime.

  10. Alright, these kids are idiots. No, it does not. After the big bang, all of space expanded. Now it is about 93 billion lightyears across. So NO it does not go on forever. These kids need to learn something before they come here.

  11. apparently it's curved, so maybe.

  12. yea its foo-king awesome isn't it!?

  13. space has always been there but the universe us still growing .

  14. The answer depends on which theory you're looking at. Some people think that the universe is infinitely vast. If they're right, than yes, it would go on forever.

    Other people, such as Stephen Hawking, believe that the universe is still expanding outward. If that is the case, than it would have to stop at some point.

    Really, there is no way for us to know the real answer. In either situation, it is so large that any end it could have would be too far away to matter to a human. So, for all intents and purposes, it might as well go on forever.

  15. space goes on and and on and never ends believe it or not

  16. It goes forever but it's curved. Allegerdly, if you keep travelling in the same direction for long enough, you end up in the spot you started from. Think of it as the surface of a sphere. The surface doesn't end anywhere, it has no edges, but it's curved on itself. Space is a bit like that, except space is 3D (at least in our perception).

  17. Yes it does. There are no edges. No boundaries. There is no "what is on the other side". Space is exactly that - space.

  18. As far as I know, it does.

  19. It depends on your definition of the word 'forever'.

  20. no it most certainly does not, read stephen hawkings's "a brief history of time"

  21. yes space goes on for ever but the universe does not

  22. The real answer is that we don't know.

    We can only measure the photons that have arrived on Earth.

    At light speed, we can age the universe to around 13.7 billion years and we can't look further beyond that because the light hasn't reached us yet.

    Until our technology and understanding grows "I don't know" is the only true answer you'll ever get.

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