
Does spain have a national health service?

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like we do in england




  1. no they pay private medical insurance

  2. The do have health service, it's called "Seguridad Social" and the service is as bad as the NHS. You will have a GP as everyone have it here. However, don't forget to ask your E111 in the UK before you leave, it's a sort of health insurance passport and it's valid in any country of the EU. It does not cost anything, ask your GP or practice for more information. You will be able to get prescriptions at reduce costs, as well.

    The NHS is probably slightly better in some areas because they provide reduced cost in the dentists and other additional services but most of the GPs are as bad.

  3. Spain doesn't have a health service 'like you do in England'...It's light years ahead!

  4. no you have to pay for teeth and everything

  5. They do have a health service, but vastly different to the UK. It is not a free for all, most areas have different rules on whether you can be admitted onto the equivalent of the NHS, otherwise you pay, you pay for everything....

    There are no such things as NHS dentists, chiropodists etc, if you are part of the health system, you still have to pay for those, as you also have to pay for any after care, hospitals only deal with the initial issue, they do not cover after care for anyone, thats down to family. It is also the done thing that the family looks after you in hospital, no nurses to give bedbaths etc, or to feed, thats family's job!

    In many areas you cannot use the NHS unless you are resident or paying into the system, so you have to pay for private, which of course excludes pre-exisitng conditions and premiums can be expensive to cover a whole family

    The EHIC/E111 is not intended for anyone who hads moved here, its for tourists only and the systems are clamping down very hard on its use......

  6. We do have national health service (Seguridad Social) though it does not cover some things like dental health or ophthalmologist for example

  7. yes, one of the best ones in Europe, much better than the english one

  8. yes they do but not a england. to qualify you need to register find work ( with a contract ) that will open your health service up. all in all it takes about 2 months depending on where you are living.

    even then they might refuse so you use an E1 11 European medical card

  9. For those of us that work or are retired yes we have an excellent health service similar to the UK. Although I must say where I live the hospital care is far better than the UK. But if you are not in one of those categories stated above then you must get private health insurance.

  10. make sure you always have your e1ll with you when in europe

  11. yes they do exactly the same service ,and a very good one at that

  12. You may find this article on the Spanish health care of interest:-

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