
Does spicy food give acne?

by Guest56388  |  earlier

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does it




  1. As mentioned by some others, acne is largely hormone-driven so spicy food by itself should not be the trigger. In my teenage days I ate plenty of spicy food but had no acne.

    But spicy food can trigger & worsen other kinds of skin problems, however it's always best to consult a dermatologist who can provide personalised advice as 2 individuals who have the same skin disease may not experience the exact same symptoms.

  2. acne comes about then your skin is not balance..(meaning that it has too much of something)...

    and alot of ethic group thinks that it is because of the food you've eaten ... and would cause your body to either develop more oily glands and etc which result in acne.

    taking spicy food need not result in acne (which depends on your body reaction)... it is more of a balance of the kind of food you take..

    Spicy tends to be acidic .... so having a little alkaline is good to balance it off...(like milk base product, or fruits ) at the end of the meal.

  3. as a self described lover of spicy food, I can attest that it does not cause acne for me. i have little to no acne all the time.

  4. thats what asians believe.. ''dont eat to much of that, you will get pimples''

  5. If the food is HOT spicy it makes the eater perspire. That's why people in hotter climates eat spicy food. The perspiration evaporates and naturally cools the body. It wouldn't be the spicy food CAUSING the acne. The acne could be erupting as a result of the perspiration pushing it out. That's actually a good thing because it helps purge the body of the causes (persistent microbes) of the acne. At this point, proper care of the affected area is required.

    The Muse

  6. I think acne has nothing to do with spicy food. I eat spicy food too and I don't have acne. On the contrary, I believe that acne comes from bad food habit. If you eat junk food or food that has a lot fat or calories, you have a high probability to have this problem.

    Remember, problems regarding your skin is due to high concentration of fat  substances in your body and lack of water in your body.

    Ask your dermatologist for more information.

  7. nope.. not at all.. i am an indian and i eat spicy food EVERY DAY... i love it.. i dont have acne..

  8. I dont think spicy foods actually cause acne, but if you already have acne or are prone to it --- it doesnt help.  I think stress is a huge factor.

    Usually acne is common in your teen yrs where your body is changing, it doesnt last forever.  Wash your face every morning & night.  If you are female, try less makeup.  Young girls are naturally pretty, you dont need any makeup.  Wear sunscreen in hot intense sun.

    Use face wash for acne control:  tea tree, clearasil, clean & clear.....


  10. wow...

    not at all..

  11. Clogged pores cause acne. Keeping hair washed frequently can help as in the case with athletes and or kids who often are in too big of a hurry to wash their hair daily if they can get away with it. :*) Also, teens who often use too much hair products , the build up clogs the pores.

  12. what causes acne is changing hormones (such as during puberty and dirty/clogged pores.  foods will not cause acne.  not even chocolate.  Ask your doctor at your next visit, or go see a dermatologist.

  13. It is strongly believed that the most common cause of acne is caused by using dairy products including pasteurized milk, cheese, cheddar cheese, goat's milk, cow's milk, margarine, yogurt (curd), cream etc. Other than dairy products following foods have also been reported causing food allergy to different people:

    Wheat and wheat products such as biscuits etc.

    White flour and refined flour

    Red meat (beef, lamb)

    *Spicy food


    Ready meals











  14. Spicy food will aggravate a type of acne called perioral dermatitis. Although the cause is not really known, spicy foods along with a huge list of other things (make-up, alcohol, cigarette smoke, chocolate, mint, to name a few) are thought to intensify the condition.

  15. sadly it does but its so good i dont care! i wash my face at night and/or rinse my face with cool-cold water after eating spicy food to cool me down and close my pores

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