
Does st.Ives apricot body scrub work ?

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i have some acne on my arm,

and not very much on my back,

its not even really acne though...

will it get rid of it in a week?

if not what will? thanks ;D




  1. when you get acne on your body, its usually becaue you are either wearing too tight clothes, not bathing after working out or getting sweaty,  or wearing clothes that don't breath (like spandex... XD)

    acne on your arms is cause by dryness, so exfoliate the area with something (a wash cloth and soap will do) and then apply a layer of salasilyic acid acne treatment. wait till it sinks in and then apply a layer of vaseoline or cream.

    also, I have tried that and it works quite good at getting rid of dead skincells, not very much of getting rid of arm acne though. =/

  2. Don't Scrub

    You can't scrub your acne away. In fact abrasive or frequent washing can lead to dry skin and irritated acne. Your skin will respond best to kind attention. Gently wash your face no more than twice a day with a mild cleanser and pat your skin dry with a clean towel. If you exercise hard and sweat a lot you may want to wash your face afterwards.

    Gently Cleanse

    Use a mild cleanser no more than twice a day and gently wash and dry your skin. Apply a noncomedogenic (won't clog your pores) sunscreen.

    Don't Pop Pimples

    The temptation to scratch, pick, squeeze or pop a pimple can be intense, but the consequences just are not worth it. You run the risk of pushing the bacteria from the pimple further into the skin and causing more breakouts.

    Popping a pimple may also cause brown or red scars to appear that can last for months. In severe acne cases popping pimples may cause dents and pits that can last forever.


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