
Does st.ives apricot facial scrub really work as it says it does????? plz help?

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does it really work

plz help

i want truthful answers plz who ever is telling me the truth has 10 points


here is the link:




  1. not all the time

  2. YES!  I use it everyday and have been for 3 years.

  3. I have used this product and I love how it works. It's especially good if you have normal to oily skin. If you have dry skin, try St. Ives Olive Scrub.  

  4. if you have major acme then it wont work as well as other facial scrubs work.

    i used to use it and it worked pretty well so yeah

  5. Yes and no. The scrub is designed to exfoliate the skin and also has cleansing ingredients. It is unhealthy to the skin to over exfoliate. If you have acne or pimples you should not use any form of scrub because it may spread the bacteria making the breakout worse. Also if you scrub the skin and remove all of the natural oils you may actually make the skin even oilier because the skin is an organ that is adaptable to different conditions. When the protective oils are suddenly stripped the skin will overcompensate and make the skin even oilier.  

  6. Nope! I use to wash my face with that product and it caused red spots on my face. It smells unpleasant and I think you should try something like Neutrogena!  

  7. I've used it before and then after I used a toner and the cotton ball had a lot of dirt on it. So my face wasn't even clean. I use ORIGINS now. it costs but it's worth it.  

  8. I'm surprised that no one thinks it works because it does for me.

    I guess it depends on skin type.

  9. there is no such thing as a miracle product that works for everyone

    it depends on how your skin reacts with the product

    and so since everyone's skin is different, we can't tell you

    you'll have to test it out for yourself as it works for some people and doesn't for others

    personally i have used that apricot scrub before and i liked it, it made my skin smooth (but i never had much of an acne or blackhead problem to begin with)

  10. I have had more success with this product than any other.  All my friends use it and they love it too.  Neutrogena doesn't work at all in my opinion and they test on poor animals! Plus their scrubs have plastic beads in them! Do you want plastic on your face, or all natural ingredients? Trust me this product works very well!  

  11. Try its personalized acne medication

  12. not really. i have it, and while it says it will clear your pores b/c of the scrub, the only way they'll be clear is if you really really rub it in. Like, rubbing your skin raw. Not worth it.

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