
Does starbucks over price their coffe?

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If so...why?




  1. of course which is why i have a coffeemaker at work.  it tastes better than starbucks and i don't have to shell out and waste 4 -5 bucks every morning!

  2. yes as people will buy it as its on there way to work. if you work in citys every thing is 4£ a pint at canary wharf!!!!

  3. Compared to what?  My local coffee shops are just as expensive.  I know that an really good espresso machine can cost a thousand dollars or more, so I suppose for most people buying it  at a shop instead of making it at home makes some sense.

    Pretty much everything sold by every corporation is overpriced, but that's just the way it goes.

  4. I don't think so.

    There is a certain type of service and qulity that comes withit. You get what you paid for.

    Go figure

  5. who cares?

  6. Sometimes, I think so but in the end it's better for me to buy a coffee than to invest in a whole bunch of stuff I don't want to drink all of the time.

    The Muse

  7. yep, cuz they can.

  8. Well it depends on what you get! But mostly yes it does

  9. yes i heard it on abc news how they are making coffe at starbucks is getting higher because thats where most people get coffe from and they know when they do that more money

  10. DUH! is yellow Yellow, Starbucks is expensive to teeth, and people will pay! Seattle's best is better! by far!

  11. as a former barista, I would have to say yes they do. BUT starbucks is aimed at people who want to come in and have a coffee experience. I know plenty of people who really come in to interact with our workers and even that short conversation can brighten up someone's day in a world where technology and everything else don't allow us to truly connect. So I would have to say, we overcharge but to those people who come in and love it and know what they're getting, it's worth it.

  12. Because it is the name STARBUCKS that people think the coffee is supreme to any other coffee they have had. So if it were your business you would overprice it too.

  13. like totally

  14. of course .... people keep buying

  15. h**l yeah... because they can.

  16. Yes.

    To make MONEY...they are a business afterall.  And people are willing ot pay it.

  17. Oh totally...I only make it there like once a month.  It's pretty good coffee compared to other 'in and out' places, but i'm sure as long as they keep making it, people will keep spending their allowances on it.

  18. If you get a regular cup of coffee its just $1-$2... its when people start adding mochas and forchas and whips and creams and caramel that it gets expensive...

    Plus everyone knows how cool they look when they're holding a starbucks cup...

  19. yes. because its so good that people buy it anyway

  20. the other two answers are completely right..

    yes they way over charge, but thats not going to stop people from buying it.

  21. Very over-priced. But you have to remember that you are paying for the pretty packaging...cordial baristas and camaraderie of friends. You decide whether it's worth the price or not.

  22. ya because people will still buy ti and they will get a huge profit

  23. Yes, But just other sign of the dumbing down of our country

    I mean for better taste, value, and price you can't get Dunkin' Donuts

    America Runs On Dunkin'

  24. I feel that they are a bit expensive, but as you know, caffine is addicting, so people buy it anyways. And they are worth it i guess, its all tasty :)

  25. Yes.

    Starbucks has almost become a status thing. Like the Hummer that never goes off-roading.

    Just the simple fact, that "I can afford it, therefore my p***s is bigger than yours" mentality.

  26. they are great  it doesn't matter

  27. YES, YES, YES!

  28. You bet they do and they get by with it because there are people foolish enough to pay what they ask.

  29. Yeah they sure do because once you try it your hooked and will keep coming back!

  30. starbucks has become more of a coffee place, it is a place to hang out. i see teens (from my school, adults, couples, executives, and other plain people sitting around for like an hour and having a cup of coffee. then they take their time leaving.

    in this way starbucks is not just a coffee shop, it is a fast food shop, it is a restaraunt that mainly sells coffe based products.

    to answer your question: NO

  31. For the quality of it, I think it's a good deal. But only if you get a refill for 53 cents or whatever it is. A venti coffee with a refill is about $2.50, which is a lot of coffee.

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