
Does staring at a computer screen induce alpha brainwave numbness the way tv watching does?

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i've read that the flickering of the crt refreshing induces alpha brainwaves that make you numb and.. stupid basically. wasn't thinking so much of radiation or some special sleep inducing function - just the effect of watching a standard television. here:

so.. was wondering if you watch an LCD monitor instead - same programs or movies whatever - do you still get "mind fog"..

Thanks :)




  1. I believe the tiny increase in alpha rhythm - numbness is really quite an exaggeration on the electrical effects - that one gets from TV comes from the design of CRTs, and is not in place on LED TVs or LED monitors. Seriously though, alternative reasons TV induces numbness vastly overshadow the electrical radiation properties.  

  2. try it

  3. Radiation... It's worse on the side of your monitor than it is in the front. You should sit 2 feet away from the screen. Conditions Leukaemia, tiredness, general fatigue.

    Suggested use monochrome or black and white monitors.  

  4. You have to stare at the screen saver for at least an hour for that to happen.

    Radiation? Flat panel monitors don't radiate. Maybe you still have a CRT monitor? Yes, CRTs emit x-rays.

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