
Does staying awake till late in the am every night mean I have a.d.d?

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because to me, im just trying to do something with this time. To me, these are the best hours and its so silly to waste them with sleep. am i wrong?

i also get more peace and quiet in the am and it makes me extremely happy.

so, does this mean i have a. d.d?

weekdays i only get about 4-6 hours tops

weekends usually about 8 because i sleep in.

is something wrong with me or what?




  1. For the last few years, I have been pretty much of a night person. As you mentioned, it is peaceful and quiet. I am happier and more productive at night than during the day. I know other people who feel the same way.

    Your desire to stay up at night does not sound like ADD to me. You can check the link below for info on symptoms. It may not be the very best site for ADD, but it is pretty clear. Otherwise, you can search "ADD symptoms" on google.

    If you stay up at night, I wonder if you get enough sunlight, which is good both physically (vitamin D) and mentally (at least for most people).

    The darkness at night helps the pineal gland produce the hormone melatonin, which promotes deep sleep. If you do want to change your sleep patterns, you might try buying melatonin at a health food store. I suggest starting at 1 mg, and increase or decrease the amount if necessary. I would not use a large amount of melatonin on a regular basis, since it might make the pineal gland "lazy" so it produces less melatonin. So you might try it for a month and see what happens.

    I also wonder about sleeping only 4-6 hours a night. Do you feel really tired after a short night of sleep? How is your mood on weekdays? How does it compare to weekends when you get more sleep?

    I ain't no doctor. You might want to see a doctor who knows about alternative medicine. If you are having any emotional issues, you might want to talk it over with a counselor.  Be well.......................

  2. No, you may just function better at night time.  If you're up because you can't sleep, you may have insomnia.  To me, you sound perfectly normal and functional.

  3. No, you might have insomnia, not add.

    But then, what you've described is just like my brother, and he is add.

    Everybody is different, I wouldnt worry about it too much unless your health is suffering and your feeling tired or lethargic.  

  4. No. Everyone is different and if you feel you can function on the sleep you are getting and are getting enjoyment out of the peace and quiet then why not have it?  

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