
Does sterile water for 24 hours cure colic...?

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We were told that if a baby drinks sterile water only for 24 hours that it would cure colic.... Any thoughts...?




  1. never heard that old wives tale,

    theres the one

    take a white onion, cut it in chunks and put it in a pan with just enough water to cover it and boil it til its almost gone and give baby a dropperful

    i would try hylands colic tablets or gripe water.

  2. NO! This is dangerous. Babies need regular intake of nutrients form breastmilk/formula for their intense growth and development during the first year. Starving a baby is not a good idea!!

  3. Never heard of that and if you do that you will be depriving your baby from the nutrients it needs. Believe me, I feel your pain, my son was colicky too. Try white noise...a hair dryer, a clothes dryer, the tv on the static channel. Try swaddling. Try the baby gas drops. If you get too overwhelmed, just put the baby down in it's crib and give yourself some time to get your head together. Good luck

  4. NO, but it could certainly HARM your baby, not to mention your breastmilk supply.

    It would risk water intoxication - at least a headache, perhaps cardiac irregularity/ death.

    I'm appalled that someone gave you such horrid advice!

    Nothing 'cures' colic but time.

    There are things to help with it.

    Chamomile tea, add fennel and ginger, up to 1/2 cup 3-4 times/day OR chamomile pellets.

    Swaddling- very tightly.

    Keeping baby upright (burping or 'froggy' tummy-to-tummy position)

    Use a carrier/sling to keep baby upright, try putting him/her in swaddled, then walk. Mine spends most of the day like this and we're getting through just fine now.

    Some colicky babies calm when driven. With my second, I drove for hours sometimes- it soothes them.

    Massage baby's tummy, slow clockwise circles. Don't neglect the solar plexus area- this will help with simply calming baby.

    Lay her on her back and cycle her legs, if gas is a factor this may help.

    There are many things to try, far more than what I've listed- but witholding an infant's food for 24 hours isn't an option.


  5. hi try giving him/her a smaller bottle before the bedtime feed thats normally wen colic starts aaround 6/7 then wen it gets to that time give them a full bottle and they will go right off to sleep wen their colic normaly starts

    it works

  6. no, i would try colief from the chemist it costs £10 for a small box but you shouldnt need to use the hole box and it will be gone, no more colic,xx

  7. no it wouldnt cure colic, personally if i where u i would go to the doctors and see what they can give to u to help with the colic

  8. Hi There I would have to agree with alot of the other answers a young baby can't survive on just water, you can get over the counter stuff that you just add into the baby's milk (pretty  cheap) and it will clear straight up.

    Hope this helped

  9. you should never give water to a baby, sterile or not. studies have shown that water can cause a baby to have seizures. also 24 hours is a long time for a baby to go without nourishment. colic is something that just happens and you have to find ways to deal with it. try the colic "daddy hold" where you lay the baby on the dad's forearm on it's belly.

  10. Try a cranial osteopath that specialises in babies with Colic. It worked WONDERS for us and after 2 months of screaming every night, the symptoms went after the first session.

    As for only giving water - I am CERTAIN that a pure water diet is only ever recommended by a Doctor if a baby has GI problems and even then it is only done as a last resort so please ensure that you check with your Doctor or Health Visitor before listening to anyone that thinks 24 hours of sterile water can cure colic.

    Good luck, I know that colic is terrible.

  11. Doing that would just make your baby scream more because he/she would be starving!!!! not to mention very dehydrated. Whoever told you this, never listen to them again!!!! and is they are a doctor please find another one to see. Honestly nothing cures colic thats why colic exists and for such a long time. There are some things you can do to make coping better and easier for you but the colic will continue. Some people swear by drops and potions but really if they did work then no baby would have colic!!!! I spent so much money on drops etc and the only thing that worked was TIME!!! Hope this helps.

  12. What and no formula? That's crazy. Your baby would be starving. That is a complete lie. Unless I have misinterpreted what you're saying.

    I agree with the above poster. We use colief but it doesn't make it go completely. It helps a lot though.

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