
Does strenght count in fighting?

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many people have said that speed is more inportant wich i believe it is, but if 2 people have no exprerience in fighting and one of them lifts weights does he have a huge advantage?




  1. Strength does matter, but Defense is very important. Remember to protect yourself at all times(Keeping both hands up,protecting the face and keep moving. try to be a moving target rather than a sitting duck. Throw hard jabs and hard right hooks. Always avoid the fight in the first place if possible.

  2. Both speed and strenght are important and you should strive and work to develop both of them , however in a fight like that you describe , if you dont have a choice , then you gotta keep moving all the time, keep your hands up , inhale deeply so you dont run out of air and when the attacker strikes then take the opportunity to counter attack , if he lift weights he may have trouble regaining his balance.  I recommend you watch this and absorb the most that you can ->

  3. Yes it does, and a very important part.

    Strenght is just as important as the other factors that determine the outcome of a fight:

    speed, experience, skill, determination, conditioning, technique are some of them.

  4. Strength does count.  When it comes to technique, strength with technique will almost always win over technique without strength.

    Otherwise we would see lightweights fighting heavyweights, like the early days of the UFC.

  5. Yes, he has an advantage. Speed and strength both matter and I would say they matter equally, but it depends on what type of fighting it is. There are so many different types of fighting such as mixed martial arts, boxing, karate, and so many others. You need both speed and strength in all fighting though. If someone dodges and moves with a ton of speed but they aren't strong, they won't be able to hurt you very much. If someone punches with a ton of strength, but they don't have speed, they won't be able to dodge anything and they won't be able to hit you. For a street fight I think strength matters more though.

  6. Speed means nothing if one has little strength and weight behind his blows. Momentum is mass times velocity. Try being punched by men of various sizes and levels of strength to see for yourself. I practice with my 97 lbs. girlfriend, I have fought men weighing up to 445 lbs., and I have fought a 350 lbs. man stronger than the 445 lbs. one. Who do you think hits harder? It is oversimplifying to say any one factor is more important than a balance of all factors involved.

  7. Speed is power.  Sure strength counts, but if two fighters square up and one is super strong but slower than molasses and the other fighter is of average strength but super fast the faster guy would have the advantage.  Now if the guy whos faster doesnt know how to utilize his speed and chooses to stand and trade punches with the stronger guy than hes just a dumb ****.  Speed is power, anyone one who says otherwise is sadly mistaken

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